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Intro:Be The One By Pandora ft Beverly

Apartment(3rd POV)

We see Ken is wrapped with bandage and is sleeping at his bed as Mamiya check on his body.

Haruka:How is he?

Mamiya:He's fine but he need some rest from that Dark Build.

Haruka:Thank god.

Then we see Riku,Miki and Kanako are waiting at the living room as Haruka came out.

Miki:How is Ken?!

Haruka:He's okay.It need some time to let him wake.

Kanako:Phew..*Look at Miki*So..just now you transform into a figure called Night Rogue?

Riku:Yeah she is.My father gave us these driver to defeat those smashs.He said that his friend create for him.

Haruka:Wait so your father friend gave those driver to your father?

Riku:Yep.Well that friend name is Grant Kickson if I remember.He's a scientist that love to experiment on something.

Haruka:Wait..that sound like Ken love doing experiment.


Haruka:Maybe we will find out..*Look at the clock*Huh?!I didn't know it was night!

Riku:Well we have to go...We will meet back.

Timeskip(Cat Cafe)

We see Ken is serving the drinks to the customers as Diana notice the bandage.

Diana:Ken?What happened to your wound?

Ken:Huh?Oh I was uh....fell down the stair!Yeah!


As Ken clean up the table and head to another customers.

Ken:Hello!What would you like to order?

But then he notice he was talking to Riku.


Ken:Ah!What are you doing here?

Riku:Came to look at your job.*Look around*This cafe is not bad.

Diana:*Came*Ken do you know him?


Riku:Of course he know me.I'm his friend.


Diana:Oh ok.Well Ken you go serve him.I go clean up the other table.

Ken:Ok thank.*Look at Riku*You seriously?!

Riku:What?We met each other that mean we friend.

Ken:That doesn't mean..!

Riku:Alright..just serve me a nice white coffee.


Ken(Mind):Thank god he doesn't bring his sister here or should i say my ex-girlfriend...

Riku:Oh and I also call my sister to come here to try out.

Ken:*Look behind*WWHHHHAATTTT??!!!!!

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