A new life

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     That night you snuck out, you said you would only go to the beginning of the forest, but you didn't, then you said only a little bit farther, it wasn't, until you were so far away you could no longer tell where you were.

     So you figured that if you were already this far so there was really no reason to go back.

     That was an excuse

     Still though you did not go back, you continued on till you were at a town, then past that town, and at another.

     Along the way you met people who helped you, they gave you clothes, meals and a place to stay.

     Everyone you had met was so different from the people you were normally surrounded by, and it was exciting.

     Finally you realized how small your world really was, how much there was to see and experience.

     Everyone was always sad to see you go they asked you to stay, but you didn't, and they understood they said you could come back whenever you liked.

     You never knew if they Phantomhive's cared if you were gone actually you didn't know if they really even noticed, and honestly you didn't care maybe it was harsh, they had raised you after all but they always felt foreign.

     Of course they were looking for you, desperately in fact, but you didn't know that.

     Of course there was people you missed, the Phantomhive's were always nice to you along with the midford's and you always got along surprisingly well with undertaker, then there was madam red you treated you like her own daughter but you met enough people to make up for it.

     Eventually you decided to stop reminiscing since the train had come to a stop, you got off of it, honestly you didn't even know we're you were after all you had been traveling almost nonstop for months now.

     You looked down at the town in front of you

     'Alright time for a new adventure'


A Mistake (Yandere black butler x reader)Where stories live. Discover now