Chapter 3

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     Sometime later after the girl had left and Undertaker had retreated back into his coffin, the  door had opened again. This time six people walked through.

     "If we're looking for answers this is the place" a boy stated, he had blue hair and equally as blue eyes and spoke in a tone of someone much beyond his years.

     A deep chuckle bounces around the room and a voice coming from seemingly no where says "welcome, I thought I'd be seeing you before long, my lord it's so lovely to see you, do I finally have the pleasure to be fitting you for one of me coffins today".

     "No that isn't why we're here" the boy responds with a bored tone and tired expression.

     "We wanted to-" a girl begins to speak but is sharply cut off by the undertaker. She was pretty much a carbon copy of the boy, appearance wise. She had long straight navy hair that stopped right above her mid back, accompanied by her bright blue eyes (missing the eyepatch the boy had) she was quite beautiful indeed. Unlike the boy however she did not seem well beyond her years.

     "No need to say I'm already well aware, very well aware, one of my recent customers was a bit unusual shall we say, I helped though, I made her  look beautiful again" the way he said it in the end was frankly quite creepy, like an artist much too obsessed with his muse.

     "We would like the details please" the girl said in a commanding tone filled with confidence that came across as artificial.

     "I see now so the funeral parlor is only your cover business, how much is it for information" an asian man said, he had eyes that never seemed to open and had dark hair, the way he spoke always seemed like he knew something that you didn't. The man however soon started cowering when the Undertaker ran over and quickly invaded his personal space.

     "I have no need for the queens coins there's only one thing that I want from you" he said it in sort of a rushed manner. Then he ran over to the boy invading his personal space as well and that was before he grabbed the boys cheeks in his hands. "Please my lord give it to me and I'll tell you anything" Undertaker started panting deeply "give me the extraordinary gift of true laughter, just one joke and all me information is yours" Undertaker than began to wiggle around, the way he spoke though seemed like begging, however he came across as sort of mocking like when someone says "i'm shaking in my boots", of course to everyone he just seemed eccentric, "lunatic" the boy lowly mumbled.

"Leave it too me my lord" the Asian the man said in serious tone before directing his attention over to the undertaker. "Here is my joke, a classic of which does a tiger have the most stripes, on the outside, getttt itttt haha" the joke was told in an oddly serious manner and the punchline had a horrible delivery so obviously it did not receive positive attention. In fact the entire room stayed completely silent the man letting out a pitiful "haha" to try and fill it.

"My turn" a woman doused in red states to the whole room. She had a red bob, red clothes and a personality that seemed to embody red entirely. "I live for gossip so this story will make you laugh so hard you'll simply curl up and die" the only impressed person so far was the butler she brought with her. She then began to rattle on about a strangely erotic gift someone called Alice received, once more no laughter.

"Now my lord it looks like your the only one left, I gave you a special discount last time but I'm not gonna do it again" Undertaker says to the boy who growled in anger in misery until someone stepped up.

"It can't be helped" the boys butler says pulling down on his glove. He was a tall man with dark hair, pale skin, and fuchsia eyes, exactly how one would picture a vampire. He practically radiated charm and spoke in a smooth voice with silver tongue. He also had an otherworldly beauty, and even his enemies would admit he was strikingly handsome. "Sebastian" the boy called out unease "everyone please wait outside" Sebastian said adjusting gloves "no matter what happens do not attempt to listen to this" he said in a deadly serious manner.

So everyone waited outside, until a laugher so loud and ground shaking the sign on the building fell off. "Please do come back in now I believe he'll tell us everything we want to know" Sebastian said with a pleasant smile while holding the door open.

"Oh my I've now seen the face of ultimate bliss" a worn out Undertaker says while laying with drool running down his face.

Everyone sits drinking tea "an interesting pattern I've seen these days, I often get customers who are incomplete" "incomplete?" Sebastian inquired "yes the uterus is missing, which is quite odd, the killer makes a big mess of the body but that particular part is always precisely excised" Undertaker spoke in a creepy and weird way, then again anyone who chose to make their living in dressing up dead people was.

"He did it on a road that was public though not high traffic, wouldn't an amateur have a hard time carrying out such a complicated procedure quickly enough" Sebastian took the lead in the conversation "your a clever one butler, that's exactly what I was thinking" Undertaker then walks over and placed his hand on the boys shoulder, which wasn't hard considering he didn't even reach Undertakers shoulder, then he bends down and places his face right next to the boys.

"You see first he slits her throat with a sharp weapon, then he rips into it right here and takes her precious womanly part" Undertaker demonstrates the entire process on the boy then ends his sentence by poking the boys cheek before standing straight up and continuing on. "There will be more slain I'm certain, sadistic killers like this one don't stop until someone makes them em" Undertaker walks away then turns back around now only addressing the boy "will you stop him, can you sniff him out like a good little guard dog" he was now directly patronizing the boy.

"I'm bound by the honor of my family, I eliminate any threat the queen asks me to, by any means I find necessary".

After that everyone left all except one, the girl had stayed behind. "I would like to thank you for your compliance, it was very much helpful" the girl smiled at him while putting her hand on his arm, "I hope we can work together again soon" she then proceeded to turn around and leave.

     As soon as her back was turned Undertakers smile had dropped to expression somewhere between a grimace and a snarl. Once she had completely left he turned and looked at the place that she touched, his face quickly morphed into disgust as he began to dust off that area before just removing that article of clothing completely.

     If anything was clear Undertaker did not like her. In fact he'd never shown this much emotion, at least when it came to these feelings, his face was always adorned with some form of a smile. So to see an expression that was not one, especially this, was very very unusual.

     Undertaker quickly left the room presumably to go take a bath. The sheer contrast in emotions enacted from the two girls that he had seen not even two hours apart, was a great depiction of how deeply he felt about both.

     Indescribably intense loathing and earth shatteringly passionate love. Two very terrifying emotions indeed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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