Chapter 2

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     Slight annoyance washed over the girls body, London was not a fun place. She could not recall a single time the sun shined, the town always seemed to have a dull gray sky and a cloudy fog sitting over top the city.

     It was not a city where people skipped down the street or large group laughter could be heard. Everyone mainly seemed sad, like they had nothing to live for, like life itself was hell.

     It's why she had no regrets on leaving London, there were many other places in the world, plenty of other places where just existing didn't make you want to stab a needle in your eye. Overall London sucked

     However she carried on, begrudgingly she moved one foot in front of the other in a sluggish pace. She walked down one of the many streets, with many shops, with many people. Already the monotony of the town had gotten to her. She really had to get out of here.

     She decided that it was no use acting melancholy, after all you can't expect a place to be exciting when you yourself act dreary. So she tried to look for the bright side. . . there wasn't one.

     While trying to overcome the immense boredom she felt she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. It seemed her body had not forgotten London, since while she was walking around aimlessly her feet brought her to a familiar building. There was a purple sign on the building with a gold outline, a skull sat on top the sign with the word "Undertaker" right below it.

     Warmth spread through her body, while she lived in London there was only one person who did not treat her like a bastard. Even the Phantomhive family had times where they would treat her differently, Undertaker did not. Because truthfully he was peculiar like her, she had always suspected he wasn't quite human, he couldn't be. And as she got older her suspicions only grew.

     But enough of that right now only one question rang through her head. 'Should I go inside'

     If she did choose to go inside then she would meet Undertaker again which would be great, she loved hanging out with Undertaker, when she was a toddler she would cling to his leg while he walked around.

     However all this is assuming that he would even want to interact with her considering she was not a Phantomhive.

     Undertaker always seemed to have a sort of infatuation with the Phantomhive's, most people did, how ever Undertakers was. . . different. So she always assumed that that was the reason he liked her too and if she turned out to not be one then all fondness he had of her would go out the window. She never had a chance to prove this theory since she left shortly after she was exposed to being swapped, before she could see undertaker again.

     So it was decided she would not go in, after all she had more to lose than to gain. It would break her if even Undertaker disliked her existence. So she walked away

     At least she thought, but she was proven wrong as she was now standing inside the funeral parlor. Her feet had made the decision for her, and instead of walking backwards they went forward.


She looks around the room and sees a coffin, a coffin with the door slowly opening. Strangely enough she does not feel fear as any normal person would but excitement.

" well well well what do we have he-"

There stood undertaker in all his spine-chilling glory. He slowly stepped out the coffin and walked a few paces towards her before he stopped a couple feet away. "Well isn't this peculiar" he said a chuckle escaping his lips.

"We'd all thought you'd died" a smile stayed on his lips.

"Yeah a lot of people seem to think I'm dead recently" the girl shrugged her shoulders. Undertaker didn't say much, which was very unusual for him, but she couldn't really blame him she had just disappeared randomly one night.

"So how y'all been" she said trying to break the ice. "You don't know" Undertaker started giggling before it bursted into a full on fit of laughter. "3 years ago, the Phantomhive manor burned down killing the earl and his wife, the twins were missing for a month before Ciel showed up one day" undertaker informed her in a manor that was way too cheerful to be describing such a horrible event.

Sadness wash over the girls body "oh" even if they technically weren't her real family they had raised her and she did love them.

The girl talks with Undertaker a little more before she leaves. Once she exits the building she bursts out laughing, the entire time she could tell Undertaker was in shock and while he did try to hide it it was evident that he was in autopilot the whole conversation. Never-the-less she continues walking down the street determined to get out of London as quick as possible.

It took about 5 minutes after the girl left for Undertaker to snap out of it and when he did she was already far gone.

A smile stretches over Undertaker's face, not like the one he had before this one was much more sinister. Undertaker pushes his bangs out of his eyes and the terrifying smile turns into an equally as terrifying smirk.

"Well well well it seems the littlest Phantomhive has finally returned" a sharp chuckle breaks through his lips, this one without the same cheerfulness as before, it seemed more desolate in a way, like he himself found no humor in the joke he was laughing at.

However the most hair-raising feature about Undertaker in this moment was not his smile, it was his eyes. It wasn't that they looked malicious, quite the contrary, they had warmth in them. What possible reason would the Undertaker have for looking at a person with so much fondness in a way he had never looked at anyone before.

One thing was for sure though, coming back to London was the worst decision y/n could make.

I'm so bad at writing Undertaker T-T, also

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Runaway247 !!!! 🎂🎂🎂

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