Chapter Three

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Mattheo and I raced down the hall of the Elite Wizards Banque de France, having just robbed it of, what is thought to be, the oldest
goblin-made sword known to wizard kind. Spells were being shot left and right, but we continued tossing the sword back and forth like it was a game.

Over the past few months, Mattheo and I had gone on many different tasks, and we're starting to become close friends. Since this whole thing began, I had started talking to Mattheo's friends, who were now my friends. They were a good group, made up of Enzo Berkshire, who is also my cousin, Theo Nott, Tom, and Daphne Greengrass. It had been slightly awkward the first couple of weeks, but now we're the go to group when there's a mess to be made.

"Race you to the portkey!" Mattheo- or Theo as I called him now- called out.

"You're on, Riddle! I'm winning this time, just say when." Theo waited a moment before yelling 'Now!'

We took off faster, and the portkey got closer. Theo won last time we raced, so I was determined to to get my revenge. Right as I was about to grab the bucket assigned to us, it disappeared.

Then someone grabbed my arm, yanking me around. Theo had thrown the portkey behind him so that I couldn't reach it.

"You asshole, I was about to grab it!" I yelled at him.

He just smirked. "I know you were. That's why it's funny."

We both grabbed the bucket's handle, and we were taken back to Malfoy Manor. I ran in the door before Theo could even get his footing. This was another race of ours, and I was reigning champion. I just smiled at him and did a little celebration dance.

"Alright, I get it. So, we have the sword. Now what?" he asked, balancing the sword upside down on his finger.

"We'll we take it to the meeting I guess. Then I'm not sure what- Merlin's Beard we're going to be late for that meeting!" I grabbed the sword from the boy and took off towards the dining room. Theo was hot in my heels when we got to the door.

Before entering, we both and made sure we were presentable, fixings stray hairs here and there. With a nod, Theo opened the doors and strode in.

The whole room went silent and we walked the length of the table. I was holding the sword over my shoulder, trying to appear unbothered. Once we got to the head of the table, Theo stopped and crossed his arms with his 'serious face', and I swung the sword off my shoulder to present it.

Everyone flinched as I dropped the sword on the table with a clang. "My Lord, the sword you asked for." My tone was hard, bored.

"Ah yes, thank you Lyra. My son. This will do just fine. Please, take a seat. We've saved you both one." That's when I noticed that the two remaining chairs were beside each other, and in the exact spot that Tom and Mattheo sat in that first day.

Theo quickly sat down in the seat closest to his father, while I took the seat on his right. It was odd, sitting so far up the table. My whole body was stiff as a board as the Dark Lord began addressing his followers.

"I'm sure you have all noticed my son sits to my right. There will be no explanation provided. If that bothers you, then you may leave." A man I've never seen before stood shakily. As quickly as he stood, he was lying on the floor, dead for opposing the Dark Lords will.

"Leave," Voldemort hissed. Everyone stood to leave except my parents, so I remained as well.

Mattheo finally cleared his throat, staring at the table. "Father is there a reason you have kept us in attendance?"

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