-Draco Malfoy-

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- He's quite clingy but doesn't show it much in public but when it's only you together then yes clingy.

- Always likes when you hangout with him in his dorm, when the boys are out.

- Picnic date every week at the Astronomy tower because he likes staring at the beautiful view and of course you.

- Helps you study at the library. (Sometimes make out)

- He let's you paint his nails either green or black.

- He stopped bullying students because of you, but still does it sometimes without you knowing.

- He rich. Definitely spoils you with gifts.

- We all know he likes his hair and hates it when people touch them, but your an exception.

- He likes to be the small spoon when cuddling.

- He smells really good with you know having expensive cologne, it's almost addicting.

- Has a soft spot for you, though he doesn't show it to his friends cause he knows they'll make fun of him.

- Gets embarrassed easily. (Not because of your relationship just in general)

- He likes seeing you wearing his hoodie or anything that is his.

- Goes to hogsmeade with you every week and spoils you with sweets or butterbeer.

- Gets jealous easily but plays it off insulting the 'someone' he's jealous with instead until they leave you both alone.

- Loves laying on your lap just so he could stare at your beautiful face.

- Snowball fight is a must, he lets you win most of the time.

- He loves it when you take care of him when he's sick, feeling more better alteady just seeing you.

- I feel like he's not that toxic, maybe a little possessive? But would try to be the best boyfriend he could.

- Likes parties, but he's always by your side glaring at anyone who looks at you.

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