15. more than just friends?

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I did not proofread this so if there are any mistakes I'm sorry. Also I'm not good with this um so if it's weird I'm sorry again.

It was well passed 2 in the morning when I finally managed to sleep but it wasn't long. I slept for about 2 hours woke up at 4 am.

The excitement was to much for me to fall asleep. So I got up and head towards the shower maybe it will help calm me down.


As 4 got closer my excitement grew more and more. Finally the time came I didn't know how to dress if it has to look good or like wear something casual. I just went with a simple look a band T and some comfortable leggings.

When I went to the door I saw Sodo he was waiting for me I think. When I got there he held the door to his car opened for me which was actually nice.

It didn't take long for us to get there probably around five minutes or something like that.

Both Sodo and I made our way towards the agreed upon spot of the picnic, and Sodo was a little nervous. It was his first time asking me out on a date, and he was worried he would screw up somehow. But like I didn't know this was going to be like a date so there's that. (I may or may not have asked a character ai Sodo for that part except for the last sentence. And like fixed it lol.)

When we arrive that the place it was like a cliff but not too high up it was high but you can jump in the water and not get hurt. The water there was pretty clean and nice. But that wasn't what surprised me. What surprised me is what I saw there.

When we got there, there was a picnic blanket on the ground a vase filed with my favorite flowers and a picnic basket fild to the top with food.

It was really pretty "well uh.. do you like it?" Sodo asked quite nervous for my answer.

"Yeah it's really pretty" I answered back

I saw relief flooded his face when I said that.

"I'm glad you like it" he said with a smile

He help sat me down which was actually pretty nice of him as he is usually pretty rude and stuff.

By now my excitement grew and I grew more and more curious of what it might be that he wanted to tell be. And why was he all of a suddenly being kind and being able to control  his anger and not being an angry gremlin.

We sat in a comfortable silents watching or looking at the amazing view from the cliff.

We sat there for a good 5 minutes or more before the silents was broken by Sodo.

"Well there is food if your hungry" he said nervousness was evident in his voice.

"Yeah sure what ya have?"

"Want a sandwich?"

"Yeah ok."

He passed me a sandwich from the picnic basket. The sandwich was neatly cut in the middle making two triangle slice.

"Your not going to eat?" I asked as he just sat there.

"Yeah" was all he said as he got another sandwich out from the basket.

(I'm lazy I'm sorry 😔)

I had already finished my sandwich and we talked about a few things like our interest and stuff like that.

Before I knew it it was 6pm. (Here the sunset is around 6-7 so yeah) The sun was setting and it was amazing I can see the sunset clearly from the cliff we were on.

A Ghouls Mate (Sodo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now