How You Meet

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You walked throughout the forest, doing your best to survive with what you had. As you dragged your tired legs to the nearest rock, you heard loud shouting.
"SOPHIA" the voice yelled
You whipped your head around in shock, as you hadn't heard another voice in months.
As the shouting continued, you slowly followed the voice with your knife drawn. As you neared the noise you finally had a face to match the voice. He was a dirty man with hair covering his face. You examined the man and found that he had a wound in his side, an arrow. Slowly, you creeped towards the man, asking him if he was okay.
"Who the f*ck are you" he asked with attitude
"The person who's trying to save YOU"
"I don't need no saving" he retorted
You rolled your eyes at the man's bad grammar. He flinched as he turned around, his legs almost giving out. Immediately, you ran to his aide and held him up by the arm. He gave up on fighting the help as the two of you made your way up the hill.
"I'm y/n, you are..."

You awoke in a cold sweat, surrounded by medical equipment. The initial shock and disorientation caused you to panic. You breathed heavily as you jumped out of bed and slowly crept outside the hall. As you walked further, you were met by a haunting sight. There was everybody, dead on the ground. You were taken aback as you stared down the hallway. A man, in the same situation as you, slowly creeped out of his room. The both of you made eye contact and exchanged a scared/confused look. All you could do was run. You ran, as fast as you could, wherever the hallways took you. You looked back, too see if the man had followed you. But when you looked back forward, you saw a man that was basically decaying. You jumped back in fear, tripping over a dead body.
"Here, come with me" the man from before said
He grabbed your hand and the two of you ran off.

A couple days ago, you had come across a group inside an old prison. As you drew your gun at the group, you collapsed due to exhaustion. 2 days later, you woke up.
"DAD! SHES UP" a boy yelled, shattering your eardrums
A herd of people ran into the small room you were being held in. They all circled around you. You propped yourself, ready to run for it.
"Where am I, let me go!" you shouted, trying to run
A dirty man wrapped his arms around you (🤤) holding you back. He held you as a man with a sharp jawline walked towards you.
"Who are you? Where are your parents?" the man question
you rolled your eyes, "I don't have parents"
"I'm not going to ask again, WHO ARE YOU?"
"y/n! Okay y/n" you yelled, slumping out of the man's arms. You figured that you'd be here for a while. So you made yourself comfortable, yet had the ability to run if you needed.
"Don't try anything, he'll be watching" the same man spat pointing at a young boy.

You walked into your Senior year orientation to receive your classes. You prayed for the teachers you wanted as you were handed your paper. Skimming the list, you were happy with you teachers. Until you saw Mr. Smith's name. You had dreaded Senior year PE just because there was a chance you'd have Mr. Smith. You looked around the room and saw everyone else exchanging excited glances because of their teachers. The only person you could look at was Mr. Smith. He had a cocky grin on his face as he looked over the students.
As the orientation ended you and your mom/dad/guardian walked out of the cafeteria. Before you could exit the room you were stopped by a man. Mr. Smith.
"y/l/n right?" he questioned
"Yes, that's her!" your guardian chirpily answered
"Well, I look forward to having you in my class" he ugly replied.
You could tell this year would be your own worst nightmare.

(yes you meet again after the outbreak)

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