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Sydney 1988:

The crowd surrounding the stadium roared and cheered as the band performed live for the third time in Australia. I was continuously pushed and pulled in amongst the thousands surrounding me. But that didn't stop me from cheering on along with everyone else. I was having the time of my life, just being able to freely have a few of my drinks and listen and watch a good band perform good music live was a dream come true. It was any die-hard rock 'n' roll fan's dream. No matter where you were, if you did or didn't have grog, a live performance with good music was always a promised good time to anyone.

"Here's a song right from your very own Aussie band, heard about this band back over in L.A. Rose Tattoo. I don't think I have to tell you's what this songs called." The crimson haired singer calmly says into the microphone. He was stood at the very edge of the stage, looking down upon us all with a rather tired grin. None the less he looked pleased. Within moments the sound of guitars roared the stadium with the fast paced drum beat. I already knew the song, all I had to hear was the starting and I knew it. The song was called Nice Boys, it was a popular song by Rose Tattoo also. I couldn't help but grin, this had to be the most happiest I'd been all through the concert, it was good to hear a foreign band, from the nitty gritty country of America to be singing an Australia song. I guess word sure gets around with good music, although Rose Tattoo have toured over in America once or twice, but still it was good to hear.

Once the concert had finally come to an end, I had the pleasure to be able to go back stage along with a hundreds of others to meet, greet and get their autograph and also pay for their newest album. I wasn't complaining, I was rather happy to say g'day to the yanks. They had good music, so I respected them. I was just thankful that mum and dad allowed me to leave home alone to go to a concert in the city. They weren't too pleased about it due to I was meant to be at work tomorrow. I guess I won't be now, not with having a few drinks and how late it already was. They were still awfully protective of me, this year was actually my final year in high school, I had already finished it about a month or so previously. I had only just passed year 12, well with flying colours I guess you could say. I ranged from around a B to a high C. I was happy with those results. I wasn't the brainiest person in my own year, but I wasn't completely stupid either. Having run a bit late to the meet and greet, due to getting lost several times and being continuously shoved around by many people, I stopped by the door to the V.I.P room. In front of the door stood a bulky wrestler-type looking man, obviously the security. Giving the security a slight smile, I decided to act a bit dopey, in order to know whether I was still able to greet the band members.

"Hi, I've been a bit lost, does this happen to be the place to meet the band members? I've got a pass, I've just been lost." I stand awkwardly in front of the security guard, ripping off my necklace that in fact had the pass on it, handing it to the guard. The guard stared at me cautiously as he took the pass in hand, his eyes flickering down to take in the necklace, looking rather shocked to see that I wasn't in fact a con. I wasn't lying, I bought the ticket and specifically bought one to be able to meet the band members.

"You're running a bit late dontcha think? The meet and greet finished about twenty minutes ago." The guard then says, handing me back my necklace.

"I've missed out?" I ask in shock, disappointment lingering across my face. "Is there any chance I could possibly go in for a minute just to say hello?" I ask, clenching the pass in between my fingers, staring at the guard in hope.

"Just give me a sec." The guard breathes in deeply and pulls a black walkie-talkie from his belt and began to quietly speak into it. Waiting patiently, I looked away for a split second, taking in the dull lighting surrounding me.

"Well aren't you a lucky sheila? Boss said you have five minutes, said you missed all but one." The security warmly smiles upon me, catching my attention.

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