Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Izzy, Nathaniel and I had stayed in the very same hotel room for a couple of days and in that time, my family hadn't even made an effort to apologise, let alone come see us. I was very annoyed with them and Izzy appeared to be too, because he really thought they would at least come and apologise, but they didn't. I guess we all had different beliefs and opinions on my life. They couldn't stand the fact that I didn't have a career, had a baby before marriage and I wasn't even with the man who "knocked" me up. I guess it was their loss. I was their only daughter and I was truly happy with what position I was in. I had Izzy, we were going to get a house, we were going to try for a baby and well, Izzy was going to propose to me someday. How couldn't I be happy? It was amazing.

"So are you okay with me calling the airlines to see if we can bring forward our departure?" Izzy confirmed as he walked out of the bathroom completely butt naked. He was feeling cold, so he went for a nice hot shower to try and warm himself up. To my surprise, he didn't suggest sex as a way of warming himself up. I didn't mind either way, considering Izzy and I hadn't had sex since we were interrupted by my Mum a few days ago. So much for trying for a baby hey?

"Yeah go ahead." I nodded. "As soon as we get back to LA we can figure out if we are definitely moving into a house or not."

Izzy chuckled. "If? We will be moving into a house and you know what, we will be moving to Indiana." He confirms.

"That's if we get that rental house, Izzy. We might not be lucky yet and we also haven't submitted an application in." I watched Nathaniel as he paid attention to the TV that was sat on the small wooden stand.

"I'm feeling pretty lucky." He smirked, walking right over to me and standing in front of me naked. "It will be our house, I just know it."

"Rightyo, Izzy. Put some clothes on before I jump your bones." I demand, peeling my eyes away from Izzy's face and down to his lengthy possession teasing me as it dangled there.

"Maybe that's what I want." He bit his lip seductively. "You know, to start trying for a baby and all."

"Not while someone is awake." I blushed. "It'll scar him for life."

Izzy chuckled and nodded his head. "Probably shouldn't do that then, huh?" Leaving me, Izzy rounded the bed and opened up his suitcase to pull out some clothes. "So since we plan on shortening our trip, did you want to face your parents one last time to say goodbye?" Offered Izzy while he pulled on some briefs and a pair of black jeans.

"I don't know." I shook my head. I was very conflicted. I didn't want to see them, but I also didn't really want to leave without saying goodbye. But then again, they didn't make an effort to come and find me to apologise, so maybe they didn't even deserve a goodbye from us.

"It's completely up to you," Izzy hummed. "Either way, I don't give a fuck. But they are your family at the end of the day, if you want to see them before we go, that's fine." Izzy pulled on a long sleeve shirt and walked over to the phone. While Izzy got busy with the phone, ringing around to try and change our flights, I decided to take Nathaniel out of our room and down to the restaurant. I was going to order some lunch for us all and bring it back to the room, rather then having to leave the actual hotel. I could have just ordered room service and had them bring it up to our room, but truthfully I didn't want to listen to Izzy talking on the phone, especially if there was any problems.

So when I returned with a few burgers and some chips in a plastic bag, I half expected Izzy to be finished on the phone, but he wasn't.

"Axl, I don't need the jet. I just want you to contact the airport for me, since I can't fucking change shit from the other side of the world." Izzy snapped into the phone. "I'm changing the flights because Ethel doesn't want to be here anymore, not after the other day." Izzy twirled the curly phone line that connected the actual phone to the hanger. "Why? It's none of your business why."

Love Me Tender (W. Axl Rose) (Izzy Stradlin) Where stories live. Discover now