Not a normal day

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I woke up in the middle of the night as always . I was having a panic attack as always . I guess this is normal for most of the teenagers dealing with this life

I went out of the room to drink water, when I came out every one In my family was crying . I got more tensed Asking my lil sis what happened. She cried even more than my mom , I went towards my mom asking what happened

She cried and said "it's them they tried to kill your father he's in a hospital now they said that he's in coma "
She said this and cried again getting the car keys to go towards the hospital

Me "it's k mom I'll drive the car give me the keys" knowing that I got the license this morning

Mom "u guys just stay here I'm gonna go "

Me "mom but...... "she just ignored me and my sister and just hurried up to go the hospital

Now me and my sister was all alone in the house crying

After all those crying I saw the time and it was 6:30 am already
I just couldn't tolerate and called one of my friend josh he said he'll be at 7am

I took my sister to my neighbors house as they were kind they took care of her

I just sat in my sofa going out of mind thinking what happened to my dad while my sis was enjoying at the neighbors as she has a friend of her age "honk..." after hearing the honk I went out seeing him waiting

We sat in car with silence through out the ride

(Entering the hospital)

When I entered the hospital I can see my mom begging for 4 men who were wearing black suits

As I went near them those 4 men left her . (I could see one man who was kinda my age coming)
And whispering in my ears

"Its either u or ur parents "

I just couldn't control myself having the panic attack again as I ran through the bathroom
I washed my face and I felt a little relieved.

I just stood near the window and thinking about the thing he said earlier
And suddenly I felt a small voice coming through a bathroom when I opened it I could see that the whole floor was filled with black powder thingy

ASAP I ran out of the bathroom and went towards the icu my father was in .As I entered I could see my dad in coma I just sat in the chair near the bed holding his hands........

(As me crying and talking)

"hey dad i hope u could hear me u were the only one who understands me I just don't know what's going on my life rn I'm just feeling a lot of miserable things which I can't find answers of as why are they saying that it's me or family or why my mom is begging them or why I could see things and hear voices .........................suddenly a bang approaches in the bathroom near the bed.................and the lights started to go off and on ur awake !!!!!!!!!" (In shock)

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