The message

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(Shivering and scared the lights were still going on and off
Dad: it's time it's time I need to tell u this cuz my death is near ur not an ordinary child u are a child of .............he collapsed (the light came back to normal )

Me : dad dad wake up what were u trying to say I am a child of who

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Me : dad dad wake up what were u trying to say I am a child of who. U are my parents of me right ?

Suddenly the nurse came in and asked what happened as I was sweating and in tears

Me : can mmm my dad speak in the coma

Nurse : no they can't speak as their whole body is on rest u can say

Me : but....... Nothing .

I ran out of the room in search of mom but I couldn't find her anywhere I went to the receptionist to ask them where she was but all they answered was that they didn't see her until her brother came and took her .

I was shocked hearing that cuz there were no siblings to my mom as she said me once that she was the only kid and her parents died in a car crash when she was 17.

me : are u sure ?

Receptionist : yes I'm sure ?

I went out in search of josh as he was waiting for hours . I asked him go to home as his parents would be worried .
I came back inside the hospital sat opposite to the i u my dad was in .

I was thinking of what my dad was saying . I again went in seeing if he would speak again but ever time I went in all I could see is him sleeping .

??? : hey (handing a kerchief as she was crying)

Me : hey? ( I could find some similarities in him as if I saw him before , i guess I saw him in school?)

??? : hey my names Alex .

Me : oh hey my names ava ...

Alex: I just saw u crying and wanted to confront u as u remind me of my sister

Me : thanks .

Alex: do u wanna have some coffee with me outside to just refreash from the different thoughts u have in ur mind

Me : how do u know I'm thinking too much ?

Alex : u know I have two eyes from which I could see ur face dull and tensed

Me : (I chuckled ) lol k let's go ?

Alex : k let's go .

( we went out near a small coffee shop drinking two coffees . And suddenly I could see those black suit man again I wanted to go and ask them about my mother but I don't wanna involve Alex in this )

Alex: give me the cup I'll throw it in the Dustin ( he took my cup and was throwing at the dustbins and at the same time )

Me : heyyyy!!!!! Leave me !!!!! ( those men covered my mouth and took me towards their black car I just collapsed and didn't see what actually happened in that situation)

(Me waking in the dark room and I could see ..............)

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