Chapter 2

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I almost came to think that all this talk of an assassination was nothing but a dream. For 2 days, I was stuck in the Nully cage. I had been fed some bread and water, but else than the three rotating guards, I had seen no one. I was beginning to think that I should have stolen those keys, and maybe the lord would eventually forget about me, and wouldn't research my life, not wanting to spend resources in these difficult times.

Before the second day came to an end, as I was laying down on the uncomfortable bed, I heard a small voice greet the guard. I quickly got up and turned to see that a woman had showed up from the stairs and was now talking to my jailer. She was very pretty, a petite but working shape, long brown hair tied up on her head, and had a very serious look on her face.

- ...for the expedition, I overheard her say once I started focusing on their conversation. Milord has overgone everything else.

The guard did nothing else but nod, then rested his eyes on me. The servant turned to me. Even though her face was expressionless, a small taint of red appeared on her cheeks as she gauged me. She started making her way towards my cage, and she could barely hide the fact that she was checking me out. So, I got closer to where she'd stop, leaning my shoulder on the bar with my arms crossed, giving her a smoldering smirk.

- What can I do for you, pretty lady, I asked with a flirty voice.

She immediately got even redder in the face and briefly looked away. With the smirk still on my lips, I couldn't help but enjoy the way she was twitching, being so close to me. I detailed her closely, enjoying the soft features of her face. She might have been between 17 and 22 years old, but it was marked by strained wrinkles on her forehead and under her eyes. She surely was hardworking, the hands she was nervously twisting in front of her looked rough and used.

- Milord demanded that I ask you if you'd need anything for your... quest, she finally said, not raising her head.

- Mm, let me think, I smoothly replied.

I'd normally wouldn't need anything, since I already had the supplies I had hidden before coming to the mansion. But if the noble offered help for my upcoming... mission, who was I to say no? I slightly pulled back from the bars to raise an arm above my head. I leaned my forearm on the cage, resting my body in an inclined position that brought me closer to her.

- I would indeed need money, and food rations from your Lord. And from you, a kiss.

Surprised, her head jerked up. She stared at me for a second as I kept smiling sweetly. As I was lowering my body slowly to be near her, she averted my eyes, gazing to the side. I leveled my face to hers and I waited very patiently for her answer. As she was bringing her eyes back to me, a loud noise echoed through the room.

I winched in pain, retreating from the bars, the sound hurting my sensitive eardrums. Immediately covering my ears with my hands, I turned toward the source of the thundering bang. Now standing beside the sweet girl was the jail guard, holding the sheath of his sword near the metal cage. He eyed me with discontent before dropping it. He politely grabbed her arm, dragging her towards the door, grumbling something like she had already gotten the information she needed. It was what I could read on his lips, my hearing still impaired. When he came back in the room, he just stared at me, his arms crossed near his table. Can't he behave, was what I could read on his face.

- Man, Alban, I thought we were closer than that, I mumbled while sitting back down, still massaging my ears.

Unamused, the guard rolled his eyes and sat back down. In those two days of monologuing every tavern tales I experienced in my career; I had only gotten his name out of him. As the third day reached midday, my mouth was still running, and Alban was getting pretty tired of me.

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