Chapter 12

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In my dreams, I was sitting by a creek, listening to the sound of water dripping and birds chirping. The sun was pleasant against my skin. With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath in. It had been a long time since I felt so calm. So at peace. And I thought, I'm dead, surely, for nothing could be this serene in this... ravenous world we lived in.

This whole thing would be perfect with someone.

- Riley..., I heard a voice.

I opened my eyes again and my dream shattered. I wasn't near a stream, but rather it was thundering outside, and what had sounded like birds seems to be an old swaying sign above my head that chirped with every draft of wind. The heat I was feeling was my own fever reflected by the blanket covering me. I knew I had tensed in my slumber and I felt my hands were covered in my own dried blood from clenching my fist, nails digging into my skin. I tried to raise my head and peak around, but just thinking about it made my muscle protest with sharp, painful zaps of electricity. I couldn't move.

Even so, I found myself feeling... rather pleased. In fact, my chest was tight with emotion as the memories of the night before (more like the last time I was conscious, however long it had been since) came flooding back. It was unstable and wanted to come out so bad, but I didn't know how to feel about it, nor how to let it go. It exploded out as a manic laugh before it chocked in my throat and my eyes prickled with tears.

I heard a shift to my left. Right. I wasn't alone.

- Where are we, I asked the ceiling.

My voice was horribly creaky and my throat was sore from all the screaming.

- In an old barn, the voice of the knight-to-be answered.

I couldn't see him yet. it sounded like he was a little far from me, to my right. Gods, how bad had it been when I was unconscious, --had I been screaming? Cursing? Weaving shadows?-- that he thought it was a better idea to stay away from me? I'd give anything to be able to get up.

- There's... we... near a village?

The questions all jumbled out of my mouth and it didn't make sense. I couldn't focus enough to make it right. There were too many things to ask and I was so tired.

- Yeah, near a village. I got us to Whitfair.

- Whitfair, uh, I muttered, lost in my mind. That's good. There's a... there's a Potion master there. She's uh... by the Breadmaker. Tell her you have a Particular Order for Mis. She'll know.

- What is it?

- It's something... to fix me up. She'll give you six phials, for 10 gold. Give her 11. Don't bring more or she'll uh... she'll charge more. Don't tell her about me, or about you. Just ask for it and don't say another word.

I heard him fidget around, probably in a bag and I felt my heart beating hard in my chest as I fought to stay awake. Finally, I couldn't endure it any longer and my heavy eyelids closed on their own.

-A Particular Order for Mis, I repeated, mumbling but trying to emphasize on the words. Be sure to say these exact words.

And I fell back asleep.

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