Chapter 9

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We had been travelling to the next town for two days now. We had skipped a town to reach to one they were supposed to deliver me to faster, I guessed on day 3. That's when my brained stopped making much sense. The manure on my clothes had mostly dried under the sun on day 2, so it stopped smelling as much. I forced myself to remain silent and as still as possible, but the hunger had become painful and I was so dehydrated that I couldn't stop drowsing off half the time, only to be woken up by the stabs in my stomach or the boom of the sonorous bat.

We had reached a point where path divided to go back to the noble's estate. Percevin could leave to go back towards home, I thought. On that night, as the group camped on the side of the road, my head was hurting bad and something kept me from sleeping. It would be a good moment to escape, but I didn't want to. It was useless. Why would I, when all my life was running around, steal stuff to survive and get caught again? My family didn't care. I had no friends that did either. Nobody needed me alive. I'd starve to death, but there were worse ways to go.

Percevin was close to my cage, rummaging through his backpack to sort his things, packing extra food for the journey back home he took from my bag, as I wouldn't need it anymore. My head was killing me, and the sound was annoying. Seeing my bag, though, I remember the men shoving what they took off me in it before putting me in the cage. My hand went to the base of my neck, and I noticed they had taken away my medallion. My heart sank and tears went up my eyes.

- They took it, I whispered, my voice creaky from not speaking in days.

Percevin's head snapped in my direction and he froze there.

- What?

- They took my medallion... can you give it back?

He blinked multiple times.

- They must'a put it in my bag... please?

He stared some more then surveyed our surroundings to be sure nobody else was aware of our conversation. But they were all sleeping. His eyes came back to me.

- It's not... you won't... use it to escape?

- If I wanted to go, I'd be long gone by now, I simply answered with a small smile.

He seemed to consider it for a minute, not surprised that I could get away if I wanted, but mostly that I didn't want to. He stare distantly at my smile, then nodded and reached for my bag beside him, going through the rest of my half-emptied pouch.

- I can't find it.

- Check to smaller pockets. On the sides.

He turned the bag and did as I instructed. The stableboy untied the leather lace and opened the flap, then took out what was in it, which was a small fabric pouch. I remembered the hard red candies I had bought for no apparent reason on our first week.

- Oh right, I scoffed, half-voice, burying my blush in my knees. I totally forgot to give you these, eh? Take 'em, they're yours.

I didn't look up, but I knew he was staring again. I heard his hands fidget around the pouch to open it and, as nearby sounds died, I spaced out for a while. I didn't come back till I heard a metal click near my ear and I glimpsed up to see my medallion hanging by my head. His gaze met mine before I extended my hand under it and he carefully lowered it in my palm. His fingers pressed on top of it, grazing my skin and I quickly retracted my arm. I passed the long chain around my head and squeezed the pendant in my hand above my heart, feeling the familiar pattern of a fox and a crow side by side.

- Thanks, I just didn't wanna die without it.

Something seemed to click in his eyes and I didn't know if he had breathed in at least 30 seconds.

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