Chapter 5

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A week later

Riley shuffled into the kitchen, her eyes hardly open and bumping into the countertop before righting her position.

"Good mo....afternoon." Wyatt smirked as he saw the stumbling girl from his seat at the table.

She grunted and turned around.

Wyatt visibly flinched. "When's the last time you slept?"

"Gee thanks."

"No offense......but you look like hell."

"Again, thanks." She flipped him off as she took a long drink of orange juice.

"I'm serious."

"So I'm having trouble sleeping."


She nodded. "A few."

"A few, huh? Is that why you look like you've slept an hour in the past month?"

"So maybe more than a few."

"You're a horrible liar."

"Who's lying?"

Riley jumped as Ryan entered the kitchen.

"Whoa." Ryan held his hands up. "What's going on?" He leveled his gaze at Riley. "Don't lie to me. Wyatt's're a horrible liar."

"He said I looked like shit."

"Not true." Wyatt spoke up.

"He would never say that."

"I said hell."

"Same difference."

"No, its not. Stop deflecting."

"I'm having trouble sleeping." She shrugged.


She nodded. "Yeah, just a few nights."

"It's been a week since we went. How many nights have you actually slept?"

Riley shrugged. "I slept a few hours here and there. It's no different than you guys. You don't sleep." She argued.

"We work. And we sleep when we're done."

"It's fine." She turned and rinsed the cup and put it into the dishwasher. "I'm going to work....and then I'll sleep." She stuck her tongue out and grabbed her keys. "See you later. Text me your Starbucks order and I'll grab it on the way home."

The door closed a few minutes later and Wyatt looked back down at his computer. Ryan shook his head and headed upstairs to the office.


Wyatt heard a noise and slowly started to wake. He opened his eyes and saw a dark figure coming closer to his bed. Grabbing his glasses, he sat up quickly.

"Jesus, Fuck, Riley!" He exhaled sharply as he tried to calm down. "What the hell?"

"Can I sleep in here?" Her voice was small and he tilted his head.

"Um.....sure....I guess." He pulled back the covers for her.

Riley laid down and pulled the covers back over herself, shivering violently.

"What happened? Another nightmare?" He looked down at her from where he sat against the headboard.

She was quiet for several minutes and Wyatt assumed she had fallen asleep. "He was in my room. I felt his fingers on my skin." She whispered, her voice shaking with her body.

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