Chapter Five

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The SUV pulled into the middle of the wilderness, surrounded by trees, and I could see a shining lake out back.

We were nowhere close to the city, that was for sure. The amount of time it took to get where we were with the car swaps and everything in between, at least three hours had passed. But who knows if I was actually that far out. For all I knew, they could've been doing circles just to mess people up.

The new driver I was with turned to me once we were parked.

"We're here, ma'am. You should be safe to exit," he said in a full bodyguard mannerism.

"Thanks," I said, moving to open the door.

As soon as the door was open, a breeze of warmth rushed over me, letting me take in the fresh air surrounding us. I closed my eyes as the sunlight through the tree line hit my face. I took in the smells around me, and I could smell the salt coming off the lake in the distance.

 I took in the smells around me, and I could smell the salt coming off the lake in the distance

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This may be a little more bearable than I had worried about.

"Wow. It's stunning out here," I awed, opening my eyes and turning in a circle to take everything in.

"One of my favorite safe houses that we have," I heard a voice with a thick southern drawl speak behind me. I turned to be greeted with a familiar face. "Hello, Miss Knight. Good to see you again."

"Benny, right?" I grinned.

"Yes, ma'am," he smiled.

"Hmm, I thought we left you back a few car switches ago," I adjusted the strap of my work bag on my shoulder.

"Then I guess I did my job well," he chuckled. "If you'll follow me, please, we can get you settled in."

He turned to the house and put a handout, motioning for me to follow.

I hesitantly did as asked, and death gripped my bag, finding it the only piece of security in this new place. As I followed him up the steps, I was greeted by another man at the doorway.

He had black hair and bright blue eyes like Benny. His stance was professional, and he watched our surroundings thoroughly, never making eye contact or sparing me any form of acknowledgment. How comforting...

As I stepped through the threshold, I was greeted with a cozy cottage home that matched the exterior vibes. The decorations were simple and minimal and kept a sense of comfort, yet were a touch dingy like it had been a while since it had been lived in.

It reminded me of my grandparent's house, who happened to have a home on the lake like this, but in Texas. I had visited them 3-4 times a year by the time I was a teenager, but the weeks I spent with them were some of my favorite memories.

The living room was off to the right and had a nice long couch with a few blankets thrown over the back of it. There was a single vintage cushioned chair next to it and a matching one on the opposite side of the couch. In between it all was a coffee table in close proximity.

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