41.New baby

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Pablos pov
When Pedri invited me to the gathering I was overthinking it.
Sure, my best friend is now a dad and I want to congratulate him but knowing that Maddy was going to be there made me have second thoughts.
We were okay, and after months of fighting we managed to deal with the situation but I that doesn't mean that she's unforgettable, she knows that she isn't.

"So how do I look?" Gia asked me looking at herself in the mirror

"You look beautiful" I smiled at her.

"Great cause I don't want to make a bad first impression" She kissed me before making her way to the bathroom again.
I met Gia at a soccer event a few months before Maddy came back.
I wasn't paying much attention to her but months later we met again this time at a party.
We talked a little and she seemed like a cool person. For once in a while I'm not thinking about Maddy and it feels great.
Having her with me knowing that she'll be there makes me relax.

"Pablo!" Pedri greeted me

"Hey dude, this is Gia, Gia is this my best friend and teammate Pedri"

"nice to meet you Gia" Pedri smiled at her "Victoria is inside with the baby, come in"

There weren't many people, in fact, most of them were familiar to me. Victoria was sitting on the sofa holding a baby.

"Pablo! You came" she got up to hug me "This is her" she handed me her baby.
It felt really good, I didn't have the opportunity to hold my baby when she was so tiny but holding my best friend's baby was very special to me.

"You must be very proud, she's so cute," Gia said

"I'm sorry, are you Gia? Pablo's girlfriend?"

"Yes sorry, nice to meet you"

"Oh my god Vic" I knew that voice, she came

"Maddy!" Victoria runs to her.
We all turned around, even Gia, who saw the way I was standing shocked staring at Maddy.
She must have understood who she was, she looked upset but acted nice.
Behind Maddy a tall guy was standing, I knew him, he was her boyfriend Nick.
Maddy started looking for Victoria's baby and once she saw me her smile faded.
I didn't know what to do when she approached me

"She's so beautiful Vic" She looked at the baby

"You can hold her," Victoria said and Maddy looked at me and then the baby in my hands.
I handed her the baby and she turned to Nick who was admiring her the whole time.

"You're a natural, I would worry if I were you with that expression on her face, Nick" Victoria teased him
Maddy wants more kids, but does she really want them with him?
Well he does so it's a matter of time for Anasi to get a little sister but this time it won't be my baby.

"Are you okay?" Gia asked
Shoot I forgot about her, that's what Maddy does to me.
I was completely fine and happy before she came.

"Yes just a little emotional that my best friend is a dad now" I lied

"I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Gia" She went to her

"Nice to meet you Gia, I'm Maddy" Maddy smiled at her

"Maddy? You're Maddy? The Maddy?" She acted surprised

"The Maddy?" She looked at me playing Gia's game

"Yes, you're the mom of Anasi, right? Pablo's daughter"

"Yes that's me and you're his girlfriend?"
Gia Maddy 1-0

"Yes that's me" Gia smiled at her satisfied

"Alright let's get to the point, Maddy." Victoria looked at Maddy "You've been here for me from day one. You're the most supportive and caring person I know and I'm grateful for you. We faced together tough situations and I'm so happy that we're here now"

"Oh my god are we exchanging vows or what?"

"No silly, I want you to be my daughter's godmother" Victoria announced

"You asked me when we found out about your pregnancy and I said yes so of course I will" Maddy hugged Victoria

Maddys pov
The night was lovely.
I was happy for my best friend and having Nick with me while Pablo was in the same room with us was so helpful.

"Shall we go home?" Nick murmured

"Yes it's getting late" I nodded and went to say goodbye to everyone.

@victoriaxoxo I'm not seeing myself loving anyone else

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@victoriaxoxo I'm not seeing myself loving anyone else

@victoriaxoxo I'm not seeing myself loving anyone else

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@maddybirlem ❤️

The point of no return- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now