Hopefully my last announcement

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I'm just gonna say I hope this is my last announcement because it's getting very frustrating and time wasting because of the amount of announcements I have to put out, I have other things outside this app I do and don't like wasting it on here unless it's a day where it's too cold or raining then if that's the case then I start working on some book chapters.

But I'm gonna go and say that if I get one more comment complaining about anything in this book about "Melissa would never cheat on Izuku" or "She would never hurt Izuku with a sword" because If you look closely in that chapter there's literally nothing saying that Melissa tried to hurt Izuku with the Kryptonian Katana or tried to kill him, and would she cheat on him? We are talking about a fanfiction that takes place in a different Multiverse where anything can happen so yeah she cheated on him with a guy who's weakness is a Green Crystal shard.

If I get anymore complaints I think I'm gonna have to put this books series on hold so no more hate it going towards me or this book, I would like to thank Izumomo2525 for being very supportive of this book. It really means Alot from the people who have commented on this book and the others showing how much they enjoy the books, I'm the type of writer who simply likes Cliffhangers and plot twists, with Batman and MHA being full of those I decided to combined both those things into a series which means this book won't be the last. But like I said I have one or a few more Izumomo books I'm gonna start writing once I'm done with this book or another one because it seems like everyone seems to love my Izumomo books because of my personal favorite one "My Time to Shine" which I really loved and enjoyed writing that book. It's a book I could read non stop because I really love it. But that's all I've got for the announcement today and hopefully it's my last because I wanna keep this book going without any announcements but have an awesome day and remember that your perfect the way you are!

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