J'veux pas mourir toute seule - Marie & Secret Keeper

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Marie pushes aside the vines as she enters the Secret Keeper's cavern, letting herself in after knocking on three separate occasions (and yelling "Hello?" twice) with no response.

Forgive her rudeness. She's been here once, and all the mystery and nervous energy that made her whisper the password has dissolved. Anyways, she doesn't have a secret to share, so it's not like she can say it without lying.

Even though she's seen its inside before, the little hideaway still leaves her breathless. The mangrove vines create a thick curtain that keeps the earthy smell of swamp inside the natural walls. The floor is made up of brine water, but there are enough large stones for Marie to hop to and from so she doesn't get her sneakers wet. The strong branches support the mythical structure, with a couple of flashlights hastily hung upon them. If Marie was one of the girls who believed in fairies that live in the forest (and she will adamantly tell you she is not), she would hope to see a couple under here, because this is definitely where they would live.

Who she does see is the Keeper of Secrets himself, having a little humming-led dance party on the cluster of stones right in front of the shelves of soda bottles.


The boy jumps his height into the air and yells "AGH! Ah, ah, oh. Oh, hi. Hello." He clears his throat, and takes out the earbuds that Marie hadn't noticed he was wearing. "Hello, Marie."

"Hello, uh-" She was going to say his name, but she realizes a moment too late she doesn't actually know it. "-you. Hey, was that that one song from that new TV show?"

"What? No. What song? What TV show?" He says, far too defensive for the question that was asked.

"Wednesday. You know, that dancing scene, I think. I haven't actually watched it," she admits. "My parents won't let me, but I've seen that part online."

He gives her an awkward look. "Actually, that song was never in the show. There was a popular video edit that put it in, but the original show had a different song. Goo Goo Dolls, or something." Now he gives her a sly smile. "But this song is by my favorite artist. Not sure if you've heard of her, Lady Gaga?"

"I think I have."

"She's just amazing, isn't she?"

"Sure," Marie says, because she's heard two of her songs on the radio, and didn't hate what she heard.

The Secret Keeper jumps down from the mossy stones onto his floaty seat, and says as he's bobbing up and down "So, what have you come to tell me?"

"Oh, I wanted to say thank you for yesterday. You really saved me back there." She really is grateful. She doesn't want to know what would have happened if that secret came out. For one, Melissa would probably stop being friends with her because she lied, and so would the rest of the Horse Girls. Then she would need to find new friends, and most of the kids here wouldn't want to be friends with a liar. What if she lies to them? It would be a complete disaster, and she was glad the Secret Keeper swooped it to save her from it.

"No trouble at all," he replies. "It's my responsibility to make sure all the secrets of the Creek are kept safe. I was only doing my job."

"Still, though. Thanks."

Marie expects a "You're welcome" from the Secret Keeper, but instead he says "If you have a secret you want to give, you need to bring a soda bottle. I don't make exceptions."

"I don't have a secret," Marie replies, a little confused.

"Then why are you still here?"

"I mean..." She shrugs. "I wanted to see what you were up to."

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