The Couch - The Witches & Elder I MEAN Dark Emperor David

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Authors Note: Content warnings for Underaged drinking, Implied sexual content, Vomiting (one line), Being Stupid About Age Gaps & Consent While Drunk. Rated PG-13 for the aforementioned things! Check yourselves! Would your parents want you reading this? If not, then neither do I! 

Also a general PSA, DO NOT DRINK UNDERAGED UNLESS YOU ARE IN A SAFE PLACE WITH PEOPLE YOU TRUST!!! Seriously. Do not cause unnecessary hurt to yourself. Soju may taste like juice but you should be smart when you drink it! Don't drink on an empty stomach either! It does not get you drunk faster, it gets you SICK faster. I should know. 

Anywayyy fic time! 

There is a place in the creek that no children dare go. They say it's haunted. When the Creek is bathed in darkness during their campouts or games of flashlight tag, they avoid this clearing at all cost. They hear the moans and cries of those who once laid here. Hey, stop laughing, I'm not done! In the morning hours, they see the remains of the spirits that haunted here at midnight. In the sunlight, they may walk past on their lonesome and wonder the reason for the sofa, but only those privy to prior knowledge shall know the truth. Such as us!

"Tabby, did we really come all the way out here to make out on an old couch?"

Tabitha flashes Courtney a wild grin. "Pretty much, yeah" She leans into her girlfriend, wrapping an arm around her. "It's not like we can be at my place this late. My dad thinks I'm 'too old for sleepovers'," she says in a mocking tone. "We'd never get away with it."

Courtney stares at the red couch in front of them. It's not visibly dirty (although the low light levels probably help that), but it's definitely weathered from other teenagers's use, and the literal weather. In front of the couch lies a long-cold bonfire pit, and around lies a smattering of litter, along with some miscellaneous clothes and a bikini model magazine. It's not the height of luxury, and in Courtney's opinion, it's kind of gross. "We could have gone to the movies, like you told him we would."

"This is free, and I'm broke." Tabitha lets go of Courtney finally and goes over to the couch. She hops onto it, and Courtney can hear the springs creak underneath the weight. "I don't actually work at Smoothie Groovey like you. I just spend all my time there." She adds in a singsong voice, making a kissy face "'Cause I wanna be with you~"

...Ah, screw grossness, Courtney decides. It's worth it.

A loud rustling of leaves brings Courtney out of the zone. Her head shoots up to look over the back of the couch.

"What?" Says Tabitha underneath her. She's shirtless, high buns loose from wrangling her tight top off. Courtney's jacket is on the ground, but she hasn't taken anything else off.

"Something's there." She squints into the darkness, trying to make out any shape.

"It's probably a squirrel or something." Tabitha grabs her shirt collar, pulling her down. She stares straight into Courtney's soul. "It's fine," she whispers. "We're alone."

She drops it.

The next time Courtney hears something, it comes from somewhere closer to the couch, and is followed by a very human "Ow!"

Her head shoots back up. Tabitha hears it too, this time, and yelps a little as she scrambles out from underneath her girlfriend.

"Okay, I heard that, not funny," Tabitha stammers as she gropes around for her shirt (and bra). "Who's watching us, really, it's not funny-"

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