Flower Boys (and their friends) - Craig x Jason

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The vibrant pink-fuchsia-purple flowers, still planted in the two twin plastic containers they came from the gardening section of the Housing Depot with, already blooming with springtime, land hard against the wood of the stump as Craig puts them down.

"Woah," says JP with genuine awe. He has a certified black thumb, an official flower serial killer, and all the plants in his yard are long dead thanks to him. It's been a while since he's seen potted anything. "Where'd you get those?"

"The store." Craig sticks out an arm and stretches. "Bought them with my own money, since my mom wouldn't pay for them," he adds inconspicuously.

"Where are you gonna plant them?" Kelsey asks (sans Mortimer, because he was scared off into a tree when Craig dropped the containers, and still hasn't returned). "They'd look really good here." She points with her PVC sword at a spot besides the tree. "Or here." She points again at the brook besides the running creek. "Or here." She stomps this time, implying that the ground underneath her was good enough.

"I'm not gonna plant them." It is a statement of fact, so obviously obvious that Craig doesn't know why they need explanation. "Jason's gonna plant them."

"Why are you making him plant them? He had no eye for exterior design. Unlike me, who thinks it will go well..." She points again with her sword, this time at a patch of dirt in front of them. "Right there."

JP falls flat-backed to the ground, face turned up and thinking hard. "What about in the tree? So when we look at the sky we can see them."

"You're the only one here that's looking up there," says Kelsey. "And Mortimer, I guess, but he'd be looking down."

"Well, we're always hanging out in the stump, so why not there?"

"Do you want the poor things to die of... no sunlight? What would you call that," Kelsey whispers to herself.


"I don't think that's a real word."

"Does it need to be?"

"Guys," Craig interrupts them. "I'm giving them to Jason. We're not planting them. If I had to guess, he'll probably plant them in his backyard, so..."

A moment of silence, processing, confusion, then screaming was shared between Kelsey and JP.


"The bossy boy scout that wouldn't give us information yesterday? You had to ninja-kid-sneak into his yard!"

"The one that wanted to re-break my leg to reset the bone? That's not how bones work!"

"The evil slave to the sash, bionic mouth and metallic fangs that tear through the will of man and woman?"

"The guy who threw my limited edition Captain Koala cereal into the creek because he said it would give me cavities?"

"The boy that is vengeful of all things fun, who tortures every child that steps foot on these soils?"

"The kid that you don't even play with?"

"The scourge upon the creek that nobody likes?"

"And even fewer people would GIVE FLOWERS TO!?"

"Yep," Craig states. "That's him."


"I messed up his flowers yesterday." He turns back to look at the new flowers, a glint in his eyes. "It's the right thing to do."

"Since when have YOU had a strong moral compass? That's MY thing."

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