Learn some manners boy

219 3 1

Tw/Tags: Bondage, Masochism, Dirty Talk, Spanking, Rimming, Blow Jobs

Everything about Douma pissed him off, from his happy go lucky smile and vendetta against women. His carefree life had been handed to him by everyone around him. The asshole doesn't even fight back. Not even bothering to try. Looking down on him.

Akaza was irritated, he wanted to provoke him. To force him to go down hard on him, maybe it was twisted curiosity? Maybe a masochistic side of him. But right now, this demon was riled up and ready to fight Douma at full power. Even if it meant tracking down what Douma treasures to the end of the world, to feel the satisfaction of ripping it apart.

He didn't bother announcing his arrival, smashing through a temple wall. A couple ceramic vases tumbling from an expensive looking cabinet with a crash loud enough to theoretically wake up everyone in the surrounding rooms. Akaza knew annoyingly well what the layout of this place was, no one should be in this part of the building. Douma was no exception.

That just meant he had more freedom with what he destroyed. He grinned sadistically as he slashed at the walls, tearing the ornate tapestries decorating the rooms. Taking immense satisfaction in how his claws easily ripped deeply through everything he slashed.

Just with his strength, no demon arts or anything. This was all him. Everything he had worked towards.

Akaza continued to rampage through the temple, only pausing when he reached his final destination. Bingo. He tore through the gates leading to Douma's 'throne' of sorts. The cushioned seat made him cringe, mounds of soft, gushy bean bags. Surrounded by glittering glass ornaments, all bearing the theme of 'lily' and 'rainbow'.

And yet the platform was still elevated ever so slightly off the ground, even when he was supposed to be helping these pitiful humans- he still managed to act cocky, looking down on them like he did to Akaza. Is that what he was being compared to? A human? A weak, squishy human?!

He couldn't wait any longer. Raising both hands over his head, rage fueling his unnecessary wind up. He brought down his fist, the ground cracking beneath him with his force.

But there was no satisfying smash of glass as those tacky ornaments shattered, no beans spilling out onto the floor. Only a hand around his wrists and that stupid fucking smile. "Ah ah ah! This place is off limits. Akaza dono."

Why?! Why didn't he sound more upset?? Akaza ripped off his forearms, no longer wanting the pair that that asshole had touched. "A hello would've been nice... you are just so rude sometimes Akaza dono!"

Akaza grinded his teeth almost painfully, turning to swing at Douma's head. Getting no pleasure in the way his fist easily liquidated his skull, he knew an uppermoon 2 just had to be stronger! He rushed forwards, if you blinked, you could have mistaken that Akaza had teleported. He swung wildly at the throne, he wanted to break something. He wanted Douma to try and fucking stop him again, because despite his efforts, that was the closest he got to Douma fighting back.


Akaza scowled, only one of his attacks hit the target! And it didn't even break! He reeled back for another round of punches. "Akaza dono!"


Douma dramatically fell to his knees, cradling the glass cube delicately in his arms. Mournfully tracing a finger across the single crack running diagonally down the glass, it was actually quite beautiful in Akaza's opinion, a lily was encased inside. Still looking fresh even after God knows how long

"...Breaking other people's treasures is bad manners, Akaza dono. "

Akaza most definitely didn't shiver when Douma's voice darkened when mentioning his name. He rolled his eyes, glaring at the unbroken ornaments like they had personally offended him. "Treasure my ass, don't act like the humans who stay here actually matter to you."

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