i love & hate it at the same time

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Tw/Tags: Soft Douma, Developing Relationship, Mildly Dubious Consent, Service Top Douma, Begging, Crying, Belly Bulge, Blood, Praise Kink, Spit As Lube, Light Dom/sub, Mutual Pining, Possessive Behavior, Love Confessions, Fluff and Smut

The slight shift in the air, the signal of a new presence - it's missed by the humans gathered in the temple hall.

Soft creaking follows, footfalls emanating from his private quarters, no doubt. A smile pulls at Douma's mouth, that strange sensation returning to his chest.

The woes of his worshippers seem particularly boring as the hours drag on. Typically, the passage of time isn't that worrisome when you're blessed with immortality.

Typically. But, it wasn't a typical day.

Akaza had arrived at his private quarters hours ago, and here he was! Stuck - consoling blubbering humans with hollow words and false promises. But alas, there was an image to maintain, a loyalty to uphold. Even so, most of his senses are focused on that area of the temple, picking up the faintest shift of bed sheets, the occasional deep sigh. Something in his chest pushes and pulls - a pitter-patter along his ribs like impatient finger taps.

With a final bow the service ends. He does the bare minimum - only exchanging mild pleasantries before excusing himself for the rest of the evening, (Trying, and failing, to subdue the haste in his movements.)

Ahh, it had been far too long since Akaza had visited him here. Five months ago, perhaps? Under normal circumstances, the upper ranks seldom saw each other. Multiple decades could stretch between meetings, rarely encountering one another in the time between. That had changed for them, of course, for about a year now.

But, the last encounter seemed different.

They'd last seen each other about a month ago. Akaza had been traversing a mountainside near a town Douma frequently fed in, he'd sensed the other demon from afar - a pleasant shiver running through him at the realization.

He'd caught up to Akaza, expecting a tirade of insults, maybe an attempted decapitation or two. It was that violence that always, somehow, seemed to lead to the hurried tugging of garments, biting kisses, the rhythmic slapping of skin. Sometimes on the moonlit forest floor, occasionally in Douma's bed, and once in the dark alley of a small town. Not that Douma was complaining - the violence never bothered him, the sex is the best he's had, and this... pattern intrigued him.

No insults or punches had hurdled his way, only an expression of mild annoyance before Akaza turned heel and walked away.

"Akaza! I've missed you!" He'd kept pace with the smaller demon, who seemed to be intently traveling somewhere.

Douma had prattled on about what he'd been up to since their last encounter, filling the silence, his companion offering only the occasional hum or scoff in response. He'd lost track of how far they'd walked, only realizing they'd climbed nearly to the peak when they entered a clearing. It was overgrown with flowers, and allowed one to survey the descent of the mountain, admire the glow from nearby towns.

Rainbow eyes widened at the view, before a soft thump drew his attention back. Akaza sat cross legged on one of the large boulders at the edge of the clearing, annoyance noticeable in his body language.

"No Blue Spider Lily. Another dead end." Douma took a moment to register the statement, eyes sweeping over the flowers at his feet before returning to the tattooed demon.

"Ah! I understand."

He plucked a few flowers as he walked up to the boulder, "At least they're pretty?" Offering the impromptu bouquet in his hand towards Akaza.

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