Part 3 - Ingra

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They said their goodbyes to the Storm Troopers and headed towards a large pyramid-shaped grand prize that seemed to be bubbling. Constructed with iridescent metallic materials, the pyramid displayed a palette of colors ranging from vibrant shades of sky blue to shimmering silver and a subtle touch of gold, giving it a futuristic and exotic appearance. Each metallic panel was intricately carved with alien symbols, conveying a sense of ancient wisdom and hidden secrets.

As they approached, they could admire the architectural wonders of its interior. Abstract sculptures adorned the walls, depicting cosmic beings in dynamic poses and enigmatic expressions. The winding stairs, covered with a shiny and smooth material, led visitors to different levels of the pyramid, each revealing a new world of wonders.

The Tatooine pyramid was much more than a mere party venue. It was a symbol of mystery, adventure, and dreams intertwined in the heart of the desert, captivating the imagination of all who dared to enter its doors and immerse themselves in its magical atmosphere. Even from a distance, they could see people of various races almost falling out of the windows. Several vehicles were clustered around the metal structure that formed the pyramid.

"It seems like the whole planet is in heat!" exclaimed Biggs, stopping the Landspeeder.

"Is it a good idea to park here?" said Luke, pointing to a group of Jawas who were already staring at the Landspeeder shamelessly.

"I'll park over there," Biggs pointed to a large wire fence where dozens of vehicles were parked, but it still seemed to have space.

"It must be very expensive!" protested Luke.

"We'll spend the rest of the year saving money, Luke!" replied Biggs. "Believe me, this will be the night of our lives!"

Luke chuckled at the seriousness in his friend's voice and nodded in agreement. It took nearly an hour until they finally managed to park the vehicle inside the enclosure. Though it appeared fragile, the fence was high enough to prevent Jawas from entering, and numerous Gran security guards with their three eyes would scare off any audacious attempt to acquire a Landspeeder without paying.

They climbed a narrow staircase until they reached the first floor of the pyramid. The smell of smoke and sweat was curiously pleasant to the two teenagers. Luke had to admit that the environment was remarkably different from the decaying Mos Eisley he knew—or at least, that was his more tolerant perspective after completely emptying the Ambusah bottle. They marched in a line, making their way through the crowd. Biggs led the way, trying to find the path to the bar.

A band composed of three humanoids and two Wookies played music using string and percussion instruments. It was something extraordinarily rare in Mos Eisley, where wind instruments predominated. The lead singer wore a black cloak, clearly attempting to imitate the ancient Jedi attire. Luke had never heard such a melody, but it was contagious, arousing an overwhelming inclination to dance.

"I've never seen anything like this!" shouted Luke into Biggs' ear.

"What did you say?" Biggs asked, deafened by the noise of voices and music mixing with the smell of illicit chemicals.

"Forget it!" replied Luke.

"Shall we check out the other floors?" Biggs pointed to the stairs ahead. Luke understood and nodded affirmatively. The two explored the building as if they were in a playground for teenagers. The number of women passing by made them indecisive. Luke was shy and hoped Biggs would give him a sign to approach or something. Biggs, on the other hand, was concerned about not showing Luke that he was as nervous as him. But both felt that not even the foolishness that plagued all beings in adolescence would be a match for the carnival of Mos Eisley. It was only a matter of time, and they had the whole night and, if necessary, the rest of the month.

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