🌃 : CH. 18

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"B-because,, you'll judge me." obanai stated. "I won't, why would i?" Sanemi responds. "Fine.." Obanai then started taking off the bandages/mask.Sanemi then stared at Obanai with wide eyes. "You're really beautiful you know?.. Why do you hide it?" Sanemi asks. "Because, I just know people will judge me, just because you won't doesn't mean others won't either." Obanai says letting out a sigh. "Whatever.. Anyway come on, prove it to me." Sanemi grinned. "What? Prove what?" Iguro questioned. "oh don't act so innocent, are you a bottom or a top? I doubt you're a top though." Sanemi teases. "Hey!! I'm a top, and why does it matter to you?"

"prove it then."

" no- " suddenly sanemi came closer to his face, There was only inches between them, one more move and they might kiss. Then.. They heard the door knob twist and the door open. Sanemi looked back to see Tomioka?!

"Uh.." Giyuu stood there, Iguro then pushed Sanemi off. "It's not what you think it is Tomioka!!!" he yelled angrily while he noticed that Tomioka was blushing?..

[ I also ship Obagiyuu ok ✨✨ sorry sabito 💔💔  ]

"U-uhmm.. Uh" Giyuu was technically frozen. "What?!" Iguro yelled again, While Sanemi stood up. "What do you want tomioka? Can't you see we're busy?" Sanemi gritted his teeth. "busy with what?.." Giyu hesitated to say. "why do you care!!" Iguro yelled yet again. He then heard a tch from sanemi. "Well if you really wanna know I'm trying to get Iguro to prove he's a too but he's clearly a bottom, if he admits he is a bottom, might aswell let him prove that." Sanemi stated before smirking. "WHAT?! NO!"

"Iguro- your mask." Giyuu says pointing at Iguro's mouth. Then that was when he realized he doesn't have his mask on, He quickly covered his mouth, And looked away, He didn't notice but Giyuu was infront of him. Tomioka had lifted up Obanai's chin and made him (B) look at him (T). Tomioka removed Obanai's hand from His mouth. "Don't.. Cover your mouth, you look beautiful." Tomioka complimented, Iguro's would turn slightly red. "i-" He was speechless. Sanemi then pushed tomioka away from Obanai, and held his(B) waist. "back off dude.." Sanemi says, pulling Obanai closer. "what's wrong with you guys?!!?" Obanai yelled and tried to get off Sanemi, but his grip on him was too strong. "what?" Tomioka says. "can't you see we're busy?!" Sanemi yells. "..threesome?" Tomioka says out of the blue. "I don't wanna have a threesome with you!" Sanemi stated. "we both f"ck Iguro?" Tomioka says casually. "I NEVER AGREED TO THIS! THIS IS RIDICULOUS." Iguro yelled, he didn't wanna admit that he actually wanted it..
"please." Tomioka had added. "Fine" sanemi agreed. "w-what?" Obanai stuttered, his face was really red right now.

"Come on Iguro.." Sanemi says. "Fine-" Yes he finally agreed. Giyuu closed the door and locked it so noone could get in. Sanemi had bent over Iguro already when he turned around, yes both of them had stripped already.. "Hey.. That was fast?" Giyuu says, crossing his arms. "hey! What the hell! Why are you tying my hands?!" Iguro yells,while sanemi just rolls his eyes as he continued to tie iguro's hand to his back. Iguro looked to his side to see Tomioka Stripping he quickly looked away blushing. "Wait! Why am I also the bottom??!" Iguro complained. "Because you are." Sanemi says going infront of iguro. "Open wide." Sanemi says, To which Obanai didn't do, He just avoided to look at 'it.' So without warning Giyu had slammed into Obanai causing him(b) to open his mouth which gave sanemi a chance to shove his member( I call 'it' a member ok. ) into his mouth. "MFF-" iguro looked up at sanemi with slightly teary eyes he felt someones breath on his neck, he looked to see Giyuu. "You ready?" Giyuu asks. Iguro nodded.

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In the GC
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Muichiro : hi..

Mitsuri : hello!!

Shinobu : ara ara, hello

Uzui : hello

Muichiro : who are you?

Uzui : the words most Flashy and flamboyant person!

Muichiro : okay

Uzui : that's all?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,,  ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈

Words : 703

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