|| FIVE ||

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"I know, i know, i know you." -faye webster.


I arrived to what appears to be a normal world, no apocalypse, no commission. Except i was in my 16 year old body again. This can't be real.

I can actually start a life here, i thought.

As time went by i found myself learning more about my own powers, but i couldn't do it alone.

And that's why i ended up with the Sparrow Academy.


2019 (S3)

I was about to hop in the shower before i heard commotion downstairs. I didn't think anything of it, it's normal in this house.
I heard the call bell ring, why now? I groaned before turning off the shower and went downstairs. I met the rest of my siblings looking in the living room, so i did the same.

"This is the Sparrow Academy"

I heard Reginald say. Ben and Marcus were standing downstairs along with Reggie. Downstairs were 6 people.

I recognized one of the people immediately.
Five had come, and i'm guessing those are his siblings. He was also in his younger body, gross.

I decided to pretend i didn't know him, or any of the strangers standing in our living room, claiming to be Reggie's kids. Five looked up at me, i saw his facial expression change. I didn't want him to realize it was me. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to be Handler free, Lila free, Five free, i was supposed to start a new life and forget everything. I'm a better person now, and i'm not gonna let anyone ruin it.

I zoned off but came back after realizing my siblings were walking downstairs now.

"Well i guess we'll have to settle this the old fashioned way" Marcus said. I know shit is about to go down, and i'm not in the mood for it.

I shrug my shoulders as they threw the first hits and walked off to the kitchen. I'm pretty hungry to be honest.

"Hey Grace." I walked up to our robot mom.
"Hi sweetie, you hungry?" She smiled. I always treated her as if she was a real person. She's a real person to me.
"Yes, i'm pretty hungry" I told her. She smiled and got to cooking. So much commotion was going on in the living room, all of our antique furniture is probably broken. Whatever.

I walked over to the pole near the stairs and leaned on it as i picked at me nails. It was pretty quiet in my area, unlike in the living room. It was quiet until i heard a familiar noise behind me. Five teleported behind me, i could just tell.

"And why aren't you fighting like the rest of your family?" He asked, my back was still turned to him. He's so sassy.

I turned around and furrowed my brows. "Because i don't have time for this" I shrugged and walked back over to the kitchen.

I grabbed the sandwich Grace made for me and took a bite. All he did was stare and stare, i know he knew something but wasn't quite there yet. He didn't say anything, he just stood there.

"What? Are you hungry too?" I looked at him. He grinned.

"It's funny, you look like someone i used to know" He tilted his head. He knew. I froze for a second.

"Okay, your weird." I said, taking another bite of my sandwich.

"What's your name?" He asked. Shit.

"Allissa." I lied. "But don't call me that, call me Alli" I explained. I thought for a moment. "Actually never mind just don't talk to me" I shook my head and was about to leave.

"Well Alli, you sure do look familiar. Maybe we can catch up sometime." He stopped me. Am i that bad of a liar? No, i don't think so.

I furrowed my brows. "Was i one of your girlfriends in pre school or something? Pervert." I said before leaving.

He didn't say anything after that.


9:00 pm


"Hey, Sloane?" I said as i walked into her room.

"Yeah?" She was laying on her bed.

"i have something to tell you." I sat on her bed. She sat up and listened.

I explained to her how i ended up here, and my past. I didn't mention Five.

"Wow, Y/n. I wish you would've told me sooner. I'm so sorry, i mean you literally died and came back to life! " She told me, making me laugh.

Sloane is my best friend, and i wouldn't want to have it any other way.

The next morning i woke up to yelling from outside. Marcus was working out on the roof. I hate it when he does this because he knows the fans go crazy for it. Speaking of Marcus, when i first joined the Sparrows, me and him had a secret fling. He liked me but after a few months of talking to him i realized i couldn't be with him for many reasons. He's a great guy, he still tries to be my best friend even after that. It's only a little awkward when we talk.

I walked down to the kitchen and baked some fresh bread.
"Y/n, come here." I heard Fei yell. I hurried to her and saw her on the stairs.

"Marcus is with the enemy." She told me.
"Who's the enemy?" I was confused.
"The umbrella academy you nutsack" She said. Ben was next to her, he laughed. He wanted me too, not the mention. But we're siblings now.

We went up to the same roof marcus was working out on. Fei sent her crow out to spy on them. After a few moments her crow came back.

"Their making a deal." She said. I couldn't care less.

After that i went back to the kitchen to find my bread burned. Ugh, this sucks.

"Your a horrible cook, you know." I heard a familiar voice behind me speak. It was Five.

"What's your name again?" I turned around.

He grinned. "Five. Five Hargreeves." He smiled oddly.

"What do you want from me, 'Five Hargreeves'" I mocked.

"To talk." He simply said.

"About what you weird number dude" I shook my head.

"About your past." He said.

I looked around confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" I laughed.

"Here. You come with me, and i'll give you anything in return." He said.

"Anything?" I smiled.



𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 ~ 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now