|| EIGHT ||

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"I've been thinking bout' you, do you think about me still?" - Frank Ocean.

"Exsqeeze me." Lila said as she squeezed through the door.

"Your excused." Five replied.

"Operations bunker" I said, reading the sign.

I tried the face identification thing, but it failed. My mother really wiped me from the commission.

"We're screwed" Lila said.

I turned around to see Five dripping of sweat, itching his neck uncontrollably.

"Jesus, did you take a dip in the pool?" I looked at him confused.

And then he farted. Twice actually.

"what was that" I tried not to laugh honestly.

He ignored me and continued walking. Lila looked at me just as confused as i was.

Five walked up to the face id and it scanned him. And of course, access was granted.

"I guess your an essential person now." Lila said.

As soon as we walked into the room all the memories hit me again. The smell, the designs, the feeling.

I looked around the blue room, and inside there was a machine. Quite like an oxygen tank.

"That's him huh? The founder." Five said as he set his book down.

Inside was this scruffy old man, with pale legs. hanging off of a thread. I could only see his lower body.

"I was expecting more man and less..can." I said.

Lila shook her head and agreed.

As Five walked up he only paid attention to one thing, his head. I didn't look at his face yet.

"Your kidding me." Five said.

I walked up to the face of the founder to find Five, Fives old wrinkly face. The Five i met.

"oh god" I looked closer at his old face, dying by the second.

"What's wrong?" Lila asked.

"It's me." Five replied.

There was silence for a few moment before Lila started laughing uncontrollably. It almost made me laugh too but i'm not as gullible. I saw Five as he watched in confusion.

"So this whole time you've been complaining about the commission and your the one who founded it? Classic." Lila teased. I smiled.

"If i did i have no memory of it." Five replied.

I must say, this is very confusing.

"Your a company man down to the bone" I said.

"You literally cannot breath without this place" Lila joked.

I started feeling bad honestly. He looked confused as hell.

I patted his shoulder as we both looked at his old self.

"I don't have paradox psychosis. I could feel it outside  but in here it's...nothing." Five said. I started feeling really bad actually, this is a lot to take in.

"The operations bunker is..paradox proof." Old Five said. So the man speaks.

"I constructed it as a panic room. In case it collapsed." Old Five explained.

"you must be here because of a..kugelblitz." He continued.

"Is that like a cheese place?" Lila asked.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 ~ 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now