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It was a very gorey day, this day.. of war. Torchers military was fighting against another military due to some personal issues and attacks, enemies at their best. They fought for hours and hours on end, blood splattering along a dirt ground. Screams of agony and anger echoed through the empty lands, along with vicious flames that roared from torchers flame thrower. The war slowly died down after more time, torchers military won.. and the other enemy team went running off, except for one . Torcher slowly approached him, poking him with the end of his flame thrower. There was no response, he wasn't conscious. Flipping him onto his back, torcher noticed all the wounding on him. Half of his face was burnt to crisp, rips in his thick clothing, even his bullet proof jacket. Every inch of the pig was blood soaked, and that was clear. Torcher took this as an advantage, a hostage .. if, the enemy was still alive that is. He could see by a few hints on his uniform that he was a combat medic, yet.. how could he be so injured if he was a medic. He shook away his questions before picking his new hostage up bridal style. Dismissing his soldiers , and he remained walking behind, still inspecting the suspicious suspect.

Back at the outpost, torcher had been treating the enemy's wounds, leaving his body only in his boxers, he had only bandages wrapped around his body as some fur laid over the bandages. He was rather scruffy, yet still had many burnt surfaces around his body that felt like some sort of chalk. Torcher slowly wrapped the last bandage around him, before.. he began to wake up. He groaned as he squirmed in the bed, torcher immediately stumbled back, grabbing his flame thrower incase he needed it.

"You're awake."

"glad you noticed.."

He glanced down at all the bandages, raising a brow before looking up at Torcher.

"You.. patched up my wounds?"


"Thank you. But, why did you take me?"

"You were passed out on the battlefield, your team left you."

"..of course they did."

"you, didn't get along with them?"

"More like they didn't get along with me, I wasn't very liked.. even my boss despised me. He's the reason I look so deformed."


"I.. nevermind."

Torcher was rather concerned by what he meant by deformed, was it the burn marks perhaps.. no, he looked normal to him.

"Well, since your military abandoned you. I'd like to put you up to a test."

"A test?"

"To see if your worthy, to join my crew."

"... you've got a deal. When do I start."

"Not anytime soon, you still need to recover."

"Oh come on, I'll be fine."

"... fine then. You have 10 minutes, be at the training court."

Torcher walked out of the medical, soldier almost squealed. Jumping to his feet, but remembered he was only in boxers.

"What the fu."

He glanced to his side, seeing some clothes, he shrugged and threw them on. It was some camo pants , and a black T-shirt. Just casual clothing, he went off to go find a drink of water, getting weird stares from the other soldiers...

"I heard he's being recruited.."

"Isn't he supposed to be some hostage.? What does the boss even see in a creep like that."

"What happened to his skin..? He looks so .. disgusting."

"Hey be nice, he looks.. decent."

Soldier looked around, backing up as he heard all the whispers circle through his head. He was scared.. about to start running off but, he got bumped into.

"Oh.! I'm so sorry.!"

"Huh.. oh, it's fine."

He looked down, a small rabbit looking up at him with a helmet flopped over her head, she smiled up at him so he smiled back. The smile the bunny had was rather contagious .. so how could he not flash a few teeth back

"Oh, are you the new guy here?"

"Well.. I'm still yet to take my test. I'm trying to locate the cafeteria for a water."

"Oh! Come along!"

She took soldiers hand, pulling him over to a cafeteria. He tried to catch up, terribly confused.

"Slow down.?!"

"Woops.. sorry,"

She slowed down: walking by soldiers side.

"Soooo~ what's your name!"

"...I don't, have one. People usually call me 116."

"116..? But those are numbers?"

"It is.. no- it was my tag , number thing.. back in the other place."

"Oh, that's.. unique."

He looked to the side, embarrassed of his nickname..

"I'll just call you.. uhh.. soldier!"

"Sure, that's.. a totally normal name.."

He muttered the last part under his breath, they soon arrived into the cafeteria, they talked for a bit as soldier drank his water, remembering the time, he said goodbye to his friend before running off. He made it just on time, almost bumping into torcher but he stopped before he did. Standing still in his stiff position, his arms clutched by his sides. Torcher glanced down at him, patting his shoulder.

"You don't have to act so proper, for now that is."

Soldier looked to the side, relaxing his body. His face flushed from embarrassment. Soon.. he had been going through a series of tests, physical ones. Climbing, jumping, crawling through mud, combat and medical situations.. and a few days later.

He was accepted into Torchers military.

𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭. ⭆ torcher x soldierWhere stories live. Discover now