5. Fyrgebraec Sehnsucht

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Fyrgebraec Sehnsucht: A term used in Old English literature to describe a longing or yearning for a distant homeland or a sense of nostalgia.


In the twilight's gentle embrace,

Love's fire burns with fervent grace.

A symphony of souls entwined,

Fyrgebraec Sehnsucht, the heart's find.

Through misty veils of time and space,

Eternal longing finds its place.

Two spirits dance in cosmic flight,

Infinite love's celestial light.

Through trials and tears, love prevails,

A tapestry of hope unveils.

In dreams, they soar, a boundless quest,

Fyrgebraec Sehnsucht, love's behest.

Yet distance tests this sacred flame,

A yearning heart, it can't reclaim.

But steadfast, love will find its way,

In echoes of a serenade's sway.

A testament to love's impart.

Fyrgebraec Sehnsucht, ever true,

In love's embrace, forever new.

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