16. Aporia

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Aporia: A philosophical term that describes a state of uncertainty or confusion, particularly in regards to a logical paradox or contradiction.


In love's embrace, I'm lost, yet found,

Aporia binds my heart, unbound.

A paradox, this tender plight,

Where passion blooms in darkest night.

Through labyrinthine thoughts, I stray,

A dance of contradictions, I portray.

With whispered words, our souls connect,

In tangled webs, emotions intersect.

Is love a blessing or a curse?

A sweet delusion or something worse?

The duality of hearts entwined,

In Aporia's maze, we seek to find.

An enigma draped in passion's glow,

Love's riddle, we attempt to know.

In joy and sorrow, love does dwell,

A contradiction weaves its spell.

In silence, I contemplate the art,

Of love that both does heal and smart.

Aporia's touch, a mystic lore,

A paradox forevermore.

Through highs and lows, we navigate,

This boundless love, so intricate.

In twilight's haze, we're led astray,

Yet find the strength to love each day.

Aporia's essence, so profound,

In love's embrace, we're lost, yet found.

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