And We Met Again

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Few months left........

It was Shivani's check-up day.
We went to the hospital.
Her weekly check-up is important.
Her husband is not in town.
Her delivery day is very close and I am nervous and excited.
I am the only one with her right now. Her in-laws and family live in the village.

I am super nervous. I am all ready to go with her.

We reach the hospital. So much rush going on in the hospital.

We got to know that Some minster got injured and he is in the hospital.

We just pass by the crowd. We already have an appointment.

We reach the reception and ask about when is our number to visit a doctor. The receptionist asked us to wait for some time because the doctor is attending to another patient.

We set on the set and I have seen so many bodyguards come together in a row.

And someone came and told us.

" mam your appointment is canceled because doctors are not available. "

I was shocked at what is happening

How can they cancel the appointment? 
Don't they know the patient they have is pregnant?
How can they be so irresponsible?

The boy replied

"sorry mam we can't do anything Minister Chaudhry sir is admitted here and it's their security staff has given orders that we have to cancel all the appointments."


This is the only thing I was able to say.

I was super angry at the staff of the hospital.

I ask Shivani to wait for me.

I reach the cabin of the hospital trusty.

I knowk  the door. And they call me in.

I ask all the things in one go to Trusty.
How can they cancel an appointment with a patient like that...?

Is it the way your hospital work??

How you all can be so irresponsible?

The trusty gave me Walter and ask me to calm down.

He told me.

Look beta I understand your point
I know what you saying is right but we can't do anything This order is from the security of the minister.

It is not the right thing sir. My friend is pregnant and she needs her checkup.

I said,

Look beta we can't do anything. If you want to try then go and talk with me veer Oberoi

Who is he? I ask.

He is the owner of the security team and he has given the order to cancel all the appointments.

He is here to check his security system.
He is on the 3rd floor with his team.

I left the cabin.

I was on my way to meet this veer, Oberoi.

Veer's prov:

Everything was normal and suddenly we got the news of an Attack on the minister.

Me and my whole team are in a rush.
We got the contract for his security.

It is not new to me. We have done amazing work with so many big personalities.

But it is a recent attack and I don't want to take any risk.

I reach the hospital to check if everything is perfect or not.

I ask the hospital staff to cancel all the appointments for today.

The hospital staff was arguing but I still did not give them any importance. Because for me my business and my work are really important. I don't care about anything at this point.

I was talking to my team someone knock on the door.

My team member was going to open a door but I stop him.

I just ignore the knock but after some time the knocks become high in volume and it started to bother me.

And I shout

Who the hell is this?

I went to open a door and one girl just about fell because she was again trying to knock on the door at that point, I open the door and she loses her balance and she fell in my arms.

She has long black hair. I was not able to see her face.

I hold her as soon as I realize who that girl is. I got more irritated and angry.

P: you...?

V: you..?

We both shout together.

P: don't tell me you are the owner of that stupid security company?

As soon as I heard her.

I threw her on the floor.

And without even looking at her I move forward from there.

Pratha' a prove:

I saw him and I knew he is such a bad human being. Still, I want to confirm that why I ask him. Is it his company? And in a second I
Was on the floor from his arms.
I got up by myself. I saw he was going and I started my rant

P: such a shameless man you are. What do you think of yourself?  Such a self-centered person, you are?

As soon as I complete my sentence.

I was in between his hands.

He holds my solders so tight that I feel the blood flow in my hands stops for a minute. His eyes were red in anger.

I was looking in his eyes. and he was so close to me. that I can't breath.  I close my eyes.

I was affected because of his closeness. 

I open my eyes when he starts taking.

V: just shut up you 2 rupee girl.
Do you know who I am and what I can do? That slap I clearly remember it ok. Don't push me so hard to hate you to the extent that I will destroy your life.

His hold was so tight that tears are falling from my eyes because of the pain he was giving to me.
How can be someone so arrogant.?
How someone is that bad.?
I was listing to his Threats.

Wait is he threatening me?
I came out of my thoughts and I jerk myself from his hold.

I look into his eyes with full confidence.

P: yes you are a seamless and heartless man. I was about to slap him again but this time he hold my hand. and he twists my hand.

He was holding me by hand and my back is touching his body .and he was ruffly banding my hand. I was in so much pain .he comes closer to my ear. and his hot breath is touching my ear.

V: don't you dare ever again ok.
Else I will break your hand.

My phone started ringing and
Release her hand with Jrek and push her.

V: if you want to be alive never meet me ever again and you better not come in between my businesses.

I moved from there to answer my phone.


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