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Bitter past about nandini.,
   Pallavi shout....
Pallavi (angry and shout) _Because I am your mother.
Nandini_Who never care about me.
Pallavi_Nandu stop this rubbish.
Nandini(shout and angry) _That is Nandini manik arora for you.nandu is only for my family.

Pallavi_so your got married that what you are showing me

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Pallavi_so your got married that what you are showing me...nandini I am giving you a chance obey that and come with me.
Nandini_how can you talk like this?
Pallavi_Because I your mother I care about you.
Nandini_so really you guys only care about your business not us of you I had lose my brother after years today only I am seeing him I never want to see your face again and your shadow also not to touch my baby.
Pallavi_nandu you are crossing your limit. (She came to raise her hand) but someone catch her hands.
Pallavi_Ranbir leave my hand.
Ranbir_what is your problem mom? Why you never leave us to live our life peacefully?
Pallavi_Because I care about you.
Ranbir_we never asked the fake care mom. Did you hear what reha said she is pregnant mom then why are you going to slap her don't you have shame? For you only she changed her family name.
Pallavi went from there... Ranbir look nandini.
Nandini_thank you.
Ranbir_for what? I am your brother so I have to protect you.
Nandini (tears) _I missed you(she hugged her)
Ranbir_nandu see if you cry what will happened to a little one?
Nandini_Means you accept manik?
Nandini_Then come with me I will introduce every one to you.
Ranbir_ah before that I need to meet the angry one.
Nandini_Oh shahana is she is here?
Ranbir_yes! I am sad for her she don't know the truth of the family.
Nandini_Nothing happened to her I wish she will understand every thing.
Ranbir side hug nandini and went from there.

Back to stage....
Arjun_so next award goes to the best fashion designer.
Nisha_so let's welcome Abhishek prem mehra. (Pragya, purab and disha was shocked)other noticed this.
Reha_ma what happened? Tears roll from pragya eyes.
Manik_ma is he is our...
Pragya nod
Prachi_then he is my father.
Aryan_His name is abhishek prem mehra and shahana name is mehra so shahana is your daughter and reha twin sister.
Pragya turn to Aryan_then you know my daughter?
Aryan_ah I know her even what we are friends.
Reha_why you didn't say me?
Nandini_Then she didn't know the real face of that family.
Disha_nandu what you mean?
Nandini_I will say in the home.

Abhi came to stage..
Arjun_so sir how do you feel?
Abhi_fine! Thank you for calling me for the award function.
Nisha_sir sorry to ask it but we our big fan of you... So we hear that you got marriage. (Pragya and others got big shock)
Arjun_so can you introduce us.
Abhi_so my wife tanu abhishek prem mehra. (Pragya with tears stand there but wipe the tears)
Nisha_so let's welcome tanu abhishek prem mehra for giving this award. (Tanu went to stage)
Arjun_welcome you mam.
Tanu_thank you.
Nisha_so sir the award goes to?
Abhi_So the award goes to prachi arora..Prachi went to stage and took the award.
Arjun_so mam how do you feel?
Prachi_for my success it goes to my mother pragya arora. Abhi and tanu was shocked.
Prachi(continue) _and one special person I don't want to mention it. She was my whole support thank you. Every one went down.
Nisha_wow Arjun it is going boring so let's give a award to best singer award for male and female.
Arjun_yes and she came from London and hereafter she will be here.
Nisha_so let's welcome manik arora and his wife nandini manik arora for giving this award.
Vikram saw pallavi with shock.
Abi_did nandini is here that to she got marriage.
Pallavi_I never accept this marriage.
Aliya_what happened shahana why are you looking tension?
Shahana check her phone she was nominated for the best singer.

Note;guys when shahana was studying in London she love music but abhi never use to take her music because he remember pragya. But shahana did the best in London with the help of king so he come to know about shahana and treat her as his own daughter.

Manik and nandini came to stage.
Nisha_Happy for you both sir and mam.
Manik_Thank you.
Arjun_congrats and the king or queen of arora family will come.
Nandini_thank you. (Shock for MK people... Shahana was happy)
Nisha_so plz say who is the best singer award for male and female.
Nandini_so best singer award for male goes to my little brother Aryan Khanna.(he took blessing from pragya, disha and purab and went to stage)
Manik and nandini hugged him and give the award.
Arjun_so maink sir now it's your turn.
Manik_so best singer for female goes to shahana mehra from London. (Whole mehra and kholi family look shahana.... She took a long breathe and went to stage) nandini was happy aryan was double happy. She took the award from manik and nandini and hugged nandini.
Nisha_so how you both feel.
Aryan_Very happy from my childhood I was hard working for this chance finally I got it.. I learned everything for my manik bhai he use to teach me thank you so much my whole family support me especially my friends support me this is not only my award also goes to them. (Shahana was seeing Aryan with some different feelings...manik also was seeing shahana)
Shahana_Happy to get this award that to from London and happy to get the award from manik and nandini arora...This totally goes to you dadda. (Listening dadda tears roll on pragya and abhi eyes)
Shahana (continue) _he use to support me each and every moment now he is not with me but i wish he will see it. Thank you. (Four of them went down)

With this the award function had finished...every one came out. Mk and Ak meet each other.
Nandini_It is nandini manik arora Mr. Vikram kholi.(every one was shocked)
Pallavi_nandini he is your father. (Totally AK came to know this)
Manik_so what? But of you people she had faced many problem you are ashamed to say her parents.
Tanu(shout) _This is between them who are you to interfere.
Pragya(raise her voice more high) _He is her husband and he have all the rights you don't have any rights..
Reha (slapped her) _she is my mom and business queen of the world give respect Mrs. Tanu abhishek prem mehra.
Aliya_He is your father.
Prachi_who never care about us.
Manik_who left us alone and marry this women.
Abhi_pragya I need my daughter and son back.
Purab_never... .
Disha_so you can back off.
Nandini_so let's go na manik.
Aliya_pragya listen to me one time.bhai did the marriage for shahana she also want  a mother.
Aryan_It is a lie.
Pallavi_who said you that?
Aryan_because shahana never want second mother she only hate her biological mother but she never want any second mother.
Vikram_you her better than us.
Aryan_she said me.
Ranbir came there and said_again you guys started plz stop this drama. Chief I am requesting you. (Shahana came there pragya was seeing)
Shahana_what is going on? Congrats nandini di.
Nandini_Thank you.
Abhi_shahana come let's go.
Shahana avoid him and saw every one and finally saw pragya.
Shahana_you are the pragya Arora business queen of world.
Purab_you know her?
Shahana_Neil bhai use to say me about some pragya.


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