Departure x And x Friends {Part 1}

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Your hair blew slightly as the wind started to pick up the pace, you were standing on the edge of the ship and admiring the beautiful ocean

You turned your head to see a young boy with spiky hair. He wore a green top with shorts and matching green boots. He was waving goodbye to everyone in Whale Island

He seem bright and optimistic, you slightly smiled at the sight of him. It quickly turned into a frown when you overheard the other passengers mocking him

It seems like it didn't bother him as he started walking, your eyes never leaving his sight. You decide to follow him, but you couldn't understand why though. As you stopped beside him, he looks at you with Curiousity

"Are you alright...? If you want I can beat them up for you.."

You joked slightly, you weren't gonna beat them up but you wanted to

"Oh it's okay! You don't have to"

He reassured

"Well darn..."

"I'm Gon! What's your name?"

He introduced himself, holding a hand out for you to shake it

"(Y/n).. Nice to meet you gon" you returned the handshake

Both of you then heard a thump followed with a voice saying "What are you doing, Katsuo?"

You both turn to see 3 sailors, one of them on the floor with a crate of apples

"At this rate, you'll never make a decent sailor"

They laughed as Katsuo tries to get up, only for one of the sailors to kick him back down, sending him flying over the crate

You looked at the scene blankly, but in reality your mind had some colorful things to say about those sailors

But since a child was present, you decide to keep it in for now

"Why are you bent over?" (😳)

"Hey, losers!" A voice called out, making the two other sailors shut up as they look at the source of the voice

"Don't slack off!" The Captain said

"Aye, sir!" They both said frantically as they immediately went back to work

The Captain walks toward Katsuo, who was picking up the apples that had fallen out

"Hey! Didn't you hear me? Move that box!"

"Aye, Captain!" Katsuo then quickly picks up the box, before Gon calls out to him

"Hold on!"

Gon tosses the green apple to him and he was able to catch it in the crate

He thanked him before running off

You were spacing out the entire time until you heard a bunch of seagulls making noises above you

"Oh god.. It's those rats with wings.. " you muttered to yourself

"A storm's coming" Gon said, you and the Captain look at him

"How can you tell, boy?" He asked Gon

"That's what the seagulls are saying"


"Gon you speak bird..?" You asked him, but he didn't answer

"Plus... " he sniffs the air, before doing cool flips and climbing on top of the crow's nest

You looked at him in awe, you didn't expect a kid like him to be able to do that. You were definitely impressed

"It's a huge storm that's coming!" Gon informed them, the Captain looking at him surprised

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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