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The sun is shining

Your mouth is moving

Words are flowing.

But I see no truth behind those shining eyes.

The lies you feed me,

The empty embraces with which you hold me.

What do you think when you are alone?

What do you do behind closed doors?

Do you regret your lies or bathe in the truth?

Is it worth it anymore?

Lying and crying all on your own.

And tearing me apart in front of your eyes.

Not even caring to put me back together,

Walking away without even looking back.

Yet, you lay with her that night and you are laying with her right as we speak.

For, she can give you everything you want.

She has everything I lack,



And common sense

To realize that the promises were empty and the compliments were false.

She can tell a truth from a lie and a lie from the truth.

And that is what she needs when she is with you.

She is your other half and I'm suddenly glad that I am not.

I have come to realize that you use and abuse and have a cold heart.

So I write this to you in the nicest way possible, enjoy your time with her and take good care of her, for a girl to put up with you sir,

Is hard to find.


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