I'm me.

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HI. I'm a teenage girl.

I have dreams and hopes and ambitions that I'm hoping will come true.

I live my entire life in my own little fantasy world.

I read about places I long to see,

The ships that sailed the great Caribbean, sailed by pirates armed with swords and guns,

The princess who is rescued by the handsome love of her life,

And all about the boy who refused to grow up and lived in the land of never neverland.

There is hardly a time when you will find me not listening to music.

Music speaks to me in ways that words can't.

I love the people around me with all my heart and hope to never have to let go of them.

I will defend my friends until the end.

But I'm scared.

I'm scared more than I allow myself to admit.

I'm scared that I won't succeed,

That all the most important parts of my life will get up and walk away with no warning.

That all the hard work I have placed in my life is going to be for nothing,

And that society won't accept me.

But above all, I'm not perfect.

My stomach is not flat,

My arms are not skinny,

My thighs are not thin

And my hair is always messy.

I don't have a perfect style.

I prefer sweatpants over jeans,

Sneakers over heels,

And hoodies over tanks.

So yeah, I'm not perfect,

Overthinking has hurt me way past repair emotionally,

Though I will never let is show.

I will put on a mask and laugh and smile, even if I'm numb on the inside and my heart is way past cold.

I will never judge you.

I will never even think about doing you wrong.

But If I do, just keep in mind and please realize, I'm not perfect no matter how hard I try to be.

So before you judge me, please try to see, I'm not perfect, but this is me.


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