Third persons pov:Previously:
He hid and hid, staying in the same tiring position, trembling and shivering before he heard the door slam open. He flinched as his eyes widened, he sat there confused. Was his mother having another visitor? Would the visitor hurt him? Who was it? Why'd the door slam open?
Thoughts wandered around in Liam's mind as he tried to make himself smaller if that was even possible at this rate.
He tried to ignore his curiosity when all of a sudden he could hear shouting and loud thuds coming from the other room where his mother and her visitors were located.
Liam was absolutely beyond terrified and his body was shaking. Was he going to get another beating? What was going to happen to him? Is he in danger? Is there someone else in his home?
Liam now sat there alarmed by the harsh and loud noises with his doe eyes wide open. He sat in his place not moving an inch and neither was he making any noise. He was confused as this never happened before, he would just hear his mothers atrocious laugh then a man talking. Never would they be so loud and neither would they make so much crashing noises.
But no matter what Liam heard he always stayed in the same place, too scared to make a move nevertheless a noise. He just wished this would be over and done, but then again things never went how he wanted them to, they never have and probably never will. He let out small whimper as he heard loud footsteps approaching.
To be continued...
Back to the future:
Liam tried to back up further into the wall behind him if that was even possible at this point. The loud footsteps coming for forward faster and faster. He clenched his eyes shut along with his fists, terrified of what's to come.
When Sebastian walked into the filthy room and saw a little kid who looked no older than 2 years old, to say he was shocked was an understatement. He was confused till he saw the boys condition. Bruises all over him with blood and scratches along with the small puddles of blood on different spaces on the floor, it finally settled in him that he was being abused.
"Hey buddy" Sebastian spoke gently putting his hands up in surrender, knelling down. Liam frantically shook his head and muttered 'No' repeatedly "hey hey it's ok I won't hurt you it ok" Sebastian quickly soothed the little boy, cringing as he has never been or acted this soft before. Liam slowly opened his eyes warily, he was confused to see a man that was in a suit instead of a tank top and without greasy hair. Normally all the men that his mother had over wore stained tank tops and had greasy hair. The man in front of Liam seemed strange to him. "Hey there you are, I'm Sebastian but you can call me Seb, what's your name little one?" Sebastian spoke softly.
Liam was shocked to say the least, normally the men who were over at his house would get straight to beating Liam up, torturing him to no end. If they weren't doing that then they were probably with his mother, enjoying their time.
Liam hesitated before speaking, this was all new to him. The soft voice, no beatings, not forcing him and in general someone being nice to him. "L-Liam" he stuttered out nervously "that's a nice name you have Liam. Do you happen to know how old you are?" Sebastian spoke with a small smile. Liam held up four fingers before sticking his hand by his side as if Sebastian would bite them of course Liam was very hesitant since he had never had anyone be so nice to him in his 4 years of living, Sebastian chuckled at his antics.
"Hey Liam, do you wanna come with me so that I can treat your booboos? what do you say?" Sebastian spoke noticing that the skin that was not covered by clothing, was covered with scratches, blood, bruises you name it.
Liam shook his head frantically, tears streaming down his cheeks once again, "no, no more, please?" Liam whispered, he couldn't trust anyone after being tortured in the worst ways possible. And quite surprisingly, Sebastian heart shattered. Liam was so young yet so hurt. And Sebastian was determined to help him.
"Its ok, it's ok. No one's going to hurt you, I'll protect you I promise, but we have to get your booboos treated so they don't get infected or worse" Sebastian said trying to calm Liam down. Liam stopped shaking his head as his tears came to a stop. "You promise?" Liam asked, still hesitant he wasn't sure whether to trust the man or not, "I promise" Sebastian reassured Holding his pinky finger out. Liam stuck his pinky finger out slowly and linked it with Sebastian.
"So? You ready to go so we can treat your booboos?" Sebastian asked with a reassuring smile. Liam hesitated before nodding. "Should I pick you up or can you walk?" Sebastian asked. Liam made grabby hands, deciding to take a chance with trusting the man. Sebastian put his hands under Liam's arm pits and carefully picked him up, Setting Liam on his hip.
Sebastian made his way out of the filthy house and went to his car, Sebastian had just noticed that He didn't have a car seat, and it would be very dangerous for Liam to go in a car without a car seat since he was still young and plus the fact that the car ride is 45 minutes from Liam's house to Sebastians home. Sebastian sighed before He agreed that He would just put Liam in the backseat with a seatbelt on and drive slowly and hope everything would be okay because there wasn't anything else he could do and he didn't know what else to do at this point cause He wouldn't just leave Liam in that hell of a home by himself anymore.
(This is the same as the other chapter but in third person's pov to show a bit more of what Liam is feeling)
1040 words,

My savior
ActionContinuing {✔️} Discontinued { } Finished { } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam Angelo Campbell is a 4 year old little boy who lives with his drunken mother while his father is somewhere out there, not a care about what's going on in his son's...