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Hey guys, it's my first Dramione fanfiction, but I wrote/uploaded it on and thought I might as well upload it here as well.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Harry Potter Series (wish I did, don't we all?)

Enjoy the Chapter, Please, Pretty Please Review!

Hermione ran. Tears and grime streaked her face, making her unrecognizable, her clothes torn by the branches whipping at her as she fled deeper into the woods surrounding Hogwarts. Blood seeped through her jeans from a deep gash on her leg, and one arm hung limp by her side. Her functioning arm was circled tight around Harry, supporting him as they both stumbled blindly away from the horrific battle scene behind them.


"Avada Kedavra!"


"No!" Hermione flung a spell at the killing curse headed towards Ron, but it rebounded and hit a nearby column, breaking it in two. Hermione watched horrified as Ron continued fighting Bellatrix, unaware of the curse sent his way. The jet of green light hit him directly in the back. The fighting stopped as everyone watched Harry and Hermione sprint towards their friend.


"Almost there Harry, just hold on. You hear me? Just hold on. Look at me, don't close your eyes." Hermione chanted over and over again. Harry groaned and tripped on a root. Desperate, Hermione tried to lift him, but was too weak. A group of Death Eaters were heard in the distance, crashing through the brush, searching. For them.

What Hermione wanted to do was throw down her wand and cry. Give up being miss-know-it-all, give up keeping up a perfect image, give up being the one everyone went to for help. Give up being a hero. Frustrated and scared, she cast a quick muffiliato and levitated the now unconscious Harry Potter. She reached the boundary of the Hogwarts boundary, and cast a quick glance around, looking for more Death Eaters. Making sure she had a tight grip on Harry's hand, she took a breath, and disapparated.


A curse hit the arch directly above Hermione, and chunks of Marble rained down upon her. One hit her arm, and she heard it snap in two, another tore a gash in her leg, creating a deep cut, but she could barely feel either. All she saw was Ron as he fell on the ground, dead, his brown eyes wide open, in a completely serene expression. Shaking with sobs, she turned back to the Hogwarts courtyard, where Harry and Voldemort had both collapsed. Both were twitching uncontrollably. Suddenly, a dark cloud was drawn out of Harry's chest, and he fell, barely breathing, while an identical shroud came out of Voldemort. The clouds grew darker, and larger, until they filled the sky. Rain started to pour down in torrents.

Harry, seeing his chance, tried to get up and disarm Voldemort, but was too weak. Hermione rushed to him, grabbed his hand, and directed some of her magic into him, weakening her greatly. All witches and wizards had been warned against doing this, as it can cause in overexertion and even death. Harry, momentarily filled with Hermione's strength, shot a curse at Voldemort, who began to wither away, his gray skin cracking, as he died, his last horcrux having been destroyed. Hermione, unable to stand because of the transition, staggered over to where Ron's body lay, and fell unconscious, falling on top of her beloved, as the battle resumed around them.


Hauling Harry up to the door of the dark cottage, she knocked five times, quick, sharp raps, that radiated urgency. Molly Weasley answered the door wand pointed at Hermione, her face creased in worry, and her eyes darkened with fear and suspicion. Hermione interrupted before the older woman could speak. "Hermione Jean Granger, I charmed my parents so they think they're Arnold and Monica Wilkins, they're in Australia. I've never failed a test, except one History of Magic, but we don't need to know about that, and I punched Draco Malfoy in third year. Let me in, Harry's hurt. I've just come from Hogwarts."

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