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Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I've been taking frequent excursions into "The Land of No Wi-Fi" A.K.A my Aunt's house.

Anyway, here's Chapter 4, it's a Hermione POV, so don't be confused. Please review at the end if you liked it! (And if you didn't review anyway)

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter!

Hermione stepped away from the kitchen door in shock. She stood numbly in the middle of the dark hallway, her face barely illuminated by the light coming from the crack underneath the kitchen door. She had known that some of the Death Eaters had escaped, but she didn't think that they would be able to regroup and gain enough supporters to be capable of taking over London.

No, that's not true, they haven't taken over London yet. And they never will, we'll get people there in time. She reprimanded herself.

The sound of chairs scraping against hardwood floor and people moving around and standing up brought her attention back to the current situation. Before the door creaked open, she was against the wall, behind a potted plant, hiding herself from view.

Only two people walked out, Kingsley, and Mr. Weasly. Why weren't the others woken? Hermione wondered.

Kingsley opened the door to the front of the house, and with a nod to Mr. Weasly, disapparated. Mr. Weasly, as soon as Kingsley was gone, started walking up the staircase to where he was sharing a room with Bill for the night. In the morning, he would be back at the Burrow with Mrs. Weasley, transporting some of the more healed kids there until they could be reunited with their families. There probably won't be much time for that, if the Death Eaters have taken control of the Ministry. Everyone will be hunted, happy reunions simply don't happen in a dystopian world.

She climbed up the stair Mr. Weasley had ascended only moments before, and quietly opened the door, closing it again without a sound. She climbed into the lower of the two bunk-beds, the top one being occupied by Lavender (whom Bill was helping adjust to the PTSD of being attacked by Greyback, though luckily she got away with only a few scratches) and soon fell asleep.

The morning was windy though the sun shone bright, and Hermione took the opportunity to stray from the house. It had been about a week before that she had heard Kingsley and Mr. Weasly talking in the kitchen, and most of the injured had been relocated to the burrow and, after some consideration, Grimmauld Place. However, Bill and Fleur had asked Harry and Hermione to stay, knowing that Shell Cottage was the safest of all three places.

So there they stayed, along with Teddy Lupin (being brought up by Fleur) and Neville, who hadn't fully recovered from the wounds he had received, and having nowhere else to go, was asked to stay as well. So it was just the six of them, with the occasional visit of Mrs. Weasly and once in a while, Kingsley or another Order member to let them know the situation in London.

And it was on this early morning, that Hermione decided to explore the seaside a bit more, enjoying it whilst it lasted. Being drawn to Dobby's grave, she picked some wildflowers and laid them before the stone marking the elf's final resting place. Footsteps in the sand behind her warned her of an approaching visitor. She barely moved however, as Harry sat down beside her. "What are you thinking about 'Mione? I've never seen you this quiet before."

She smiled, letting the early morning sun warm her and brighten her features. "Not anything, really." She replied. "Thinking about afternoons at Hogwarts, walking down to the lake or to Hagrid's hut. Avoiding Filch and Ms. Norris, sitting in the common room, playing chess, the Yule Ball, dinners and parties, visiting the elves. Back when the only thing we had to worry about was how we would survive Potions or History of Magic. Back when we weren't all mixed up in this- this- whatever it is." She gestured wildly with her hands, unable to think of a word descriptive enough for their predicament. She sighed, being unsuccessful in her search. "Well, Fleur says that in about a week, we can join the others at the Burrow. Teddy of course shouldn't go by apparation, its too dangerous for a young child, so I'm assuming that Bill will take him separately. It will be nice to get back at any rate. I bet you are looking forward to seeing Ginny again."

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