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"I saw that," Dominic sang with a smirk as Austin entered the kitchen.

Austin rolled his eyes and sat beside him. "Saw what?"

He was not going to give Dominic an easy out.

Yes, Anastasia was beautiful and surprisingly fascinating, but it honestly didn't mean anything.

He wasn't ready to be involved with a woman. He'd hurt her and end up being the careless jerk God saved him from being.

Dominic shrugged and bumped his shoulder. "You jumped out of your seat to help my sister." He noted, now wearing an annoying grin.

"I was raised to take care of women. My dad screwed up with practicing what he preached, but I got practice with my ma." Austin admitted, making Dominic hum.

He wasn't buying it.

"Do you look at your mother that way too?"

Austin groaned and ran his fingers through his hair, hoping to get Dominic out of his head with his annoying question.

"What do you want me to say, Nic?"

He was like a fly.

"You've got three months here, Bubba. Anastasia has this vow, a fear tactic if I can be honest. Don't go falling in love with my sister if you don't plan on staying." Dominic answered simply, though his words changed the lighthearted mood.

"You're a good man. Just be wise."

Austin wasn't going to fall in love with Anastasia.

"You don't gotta worry about me, Nic. Just cause I think she's beautiful, it don't mean I'll love her. I'm here to rest and do whatever God wants me to do." Austin laughed and dug into his plate.

Dominic kept quiet, which allowed Austin to think.

God had a lot to do inside of him before he could ever think of seeing someone.

But it was real nice being called very kind by Anastasia.

He'd be that man one day.


Two days passed and Anastasia received a last-minute call from her mother informing her of the party they were having this afternoon.

It was like her parents to let her and Dominic know about their parties at the last minute.

She didn't mind.

If it wouldn't look bad, she wouldn't show.

She didn't miss being around their friends and being reintroduced to their bachelor sons who had wandering eyes and hands.

Though, she did miss her parents.

It didn't matter now.

She was back at her childhood home if she could merely label it a home.

The Randolph Villa was grand.

It held all the pleasures one could desire, yet Anastasia's favorite part of the villa was the balcony of her old bedroom.

She had a wild imagination as a child, which led her to believe she could be a space explorer.

Her parents didn't deny her childish whims.

"Anastasia Carys, if you stand outside much longer you'll burn up under the sun." Her mother, Diana, scolded her lightly.

"Yes, mother." Anastasia shook her head at her mother's concern and walked back into her old room, closing the balcony door behind her.

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