Chapter two- the party

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I was woken up that morning by the light pattering of rain against my circular window.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, letting them scrape across my room. It was devoid of anything apart from my bed and two cardboard boxes of clothes in the corner. My backpack layed drunken by the door, the key chains leaving trails on the dusty floor where they dragged across it.

I checked my phone: 8:03. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed in some old faded, ripped jeans and a nirvana band t-shirt. I hesitated a minute before pulling on my mum's gift. I knew she would be happy if she saw me wearing it.

I padded across the hallway into the even colder living room and curled up on one of the new arm chairs, or I guess old-new because they were very clearly second hand. I checked my social medias to see if any of my old friends had texted me or anything, but no one had. figures.

I texted one of my closest friends, Amelia, but she didn't respond.

I heard my my mum walking in, she must have woken up. "Hey, mum. What's for breakfast?"

"I'm too tired to cook, plus we have nothing to eat and I have to start work. Why don't you walk to town and get something at a diner? I'm pretty sure there's also a bike in the backyard. You can take money from my purse if you need it, 25 max."

I nodded, kissing her cheek while sniping some money from the purse behind her. I laughed and hurriedly put on my shoes, ignoring her protests at the $40 dollars I had taken and ran outside. I didn't worry too much because she knew I would pay it back soon. I always did.

The backyard was wet and it was still drizzling. It was overgrown and big, with tall weeds and some nearly dead wildflowers sprouting around. Dead leaves covered the ground. I'd probably be asked to rake them up later. Further exploring showed an old tall maple tree with a wet, slippery tire swing hanging from it. Underneath was an old bike, which as I picked up saw was rusty and missing a pedal.

Giving up on that idea, I decided to just walk there. My mum would kill me if I took the car, even though I knew how to drive. I walked quickly, hoping it wouldn't rain heavily. I put in my ear buds and started playing Mitski.

Up ahead, I saw a black thing dart across the road.

It was the kitten!

I started running to perhaps catch it, but it disappeared as I got closer.


I used google maps on my phone to find town and not get lost this time, and in 20 minutes I was walking through the cute, quaint town. It was very scenic, and it was isolated from the rest of the world with its tall, red and yellow trees.

I found a little breakfast places called Tina's and casually strolled in, a little bell ringing as I opened the door.

There were only two other customers, an old man and a young woman eating a taco with a lot of enthusiasm.

I took a seat in one of the red booths, minding the stuffing coming out of cracks in it.

A woman behind the counter was talking to the old man, not even glancing my way. I didn't mind too much, I was happy looking out the window for a little bit.

And who did I see walking down the sidewalk but two similar boys, one with a moody look on his face and the other with a happy go lucky grin.

The happy one caught me staring at him and waved, jogging into the diner to say hi. Finn trailed along after him. Their friendship was giving golden retriever and black cat. Noah entered the diner and gave me a small hug.

Mitski the magic cat (Finn Wolfhard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now