Chapter 55

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On the second day after the autumn tour, Tan Ying came to the third class with the photos and the third monthly test report card.

"Post the photo later, one per person." Tan Ying divided it into five parts and put them in the first row.

Jiang Xuenian got the photo, and at first glance he saw Shi Qingfan, who is beautiful in the middle and everyone has a wall.

Although it only has a profile face, it is enough to kill everyone in seconds.

But she pointed to Yin Yan's side to let Shi Qingfan see, why was Shi Qingfan looking at her.

Jiang Xuenian vaguely saw a different meaning in Qingfan's eyes in this photo.

Jiang Xuenian only had a vague feeling, and the other people who got the photo were about to die in place.

Yin Yan burst into tears, took out Xuefan's love notepad, and wrote down the shortest candy diary.

[Xue Fan's Love Diary 53 - She loves her so much T_T. ]

[Xue Fan's Love Diary 54 - She really loves her! ]

[Xue Fan's Love Diary 55 - She loves her the most in the world! (Woo woo I don't care I'm going crazy)]

Jiang Xuenian caught sight of it out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but laugh, and suddenly stopped in the middle of his laugh.

Wait, shouldn't…

Without waiting for Jiang Xuenian to think about it, the photo of Tan Yingjian on the podium was finished, she picked up the transcript, and said solemnly: "Okay, put the photo away, stand and read it. Let's take a look at the results of this monthly test."

As soon as the grades came out, the students immediately put the photos aside, took out paper and pen and waited to mark the grades.

Yin Yan saw that Tan Ying did not look happy and satisfied, and whispered to Jiang Xuenian: "Jiang Shen, why don't you laugh at Teacher Tan? I laughed so much. Could it be that the results are not ideal this time??”

Jiang Xuenian frowned slightly: "Probably not, the learning framework summarized by Qingqing is very useful."

Like Yin Yan, others were a little apprehensive when they saw Tan Ying's face.

Some people even began to suspect that it was an illusion that they got so many questions right, because the questions were too simple, not only her scumbag could do it right, but also the scumbags of other classes.

Everyone kept their mouths shut and stared at Tan Ying, the quiet needle drop from Class 3 could be heard.

Tan Yingdao: "This time we will start from the last one."

There are less than 1,000 students in a grade in St. Lis, and the first two monthly exams with the worst grades in the third class are more than 900.

Every time these two people come home with their grades, they will be surrounded by their parents with disappointed eyes. It is not that they do not want to learn at all, but they have poor foundation. No, just break the jar and break it.

Shi Qingfan's learning method not only lists the framework, but also summarizes the key points of the seventh to twelfth grades. After a month of hard work, the two finally made up the previous foundation. Seven or seven Eighty-eight, if you learn it later, you won't be able to understand it completely.

In this monthly exam, the two of them are desperate, it can be said that they are trying to show their parents that they are not fools and have no problem with their IQ.

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