Chapter 138

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At the beginning, Wu Wei regarded it as "Wu Nanyan",In fact, he just regarded it as a tool to fight against Amelia Carpenter, and he didn't care about anything at all.

Even if I know that "Wu Nanyan" is an alpha, I don't think so, after all, Wu Zhe is an S-level alpha.

Who would have thought that "Wu Nanyan" would be such a big surprise.

His daughter,His Wu Wei's daughter, turned out to be an sss-level alpha! !

Wu Wei was almost dizzy with joy, stood up and paced in place.

And Wu Zhe and Amelia Carpenter looked at "Wu Nanyan" as if decorated with steel needles,Want to stab "Wu Nanyan" to death.

Wu Zhe also took time to look at "Cen Qingqiu", he didn't expect "Cen Qingqiu" to be a sss-level oga, and now I regret not insisting,Otherwise "Cen Qingqiu" would marry him , Once he can give birth to several top-level children.

And the destroyer of all beautiful fantasies is "Wu Nanyan".

Wu Zhe hates him to the bone now.

Jiang Xuenian looked at each other and was calm.

I took the initiative to pick up the champagne on the table, after opening it, the others poured half a glass,Then said: "Qingqing and I have to go to the hospital for a checkup,Inconvenient Drink,We'll replace the wine with water, thank you Uncle Carpenter."

Jiang Xuenian raised half a glass of water, but Patriarch Carpenter could only hold the glass and touch it.

Jiang Xuenian dried up, and Patriarch Carpenter looked at the empty wine glass.

Chief Carpenter can only follow.

Jiang Xuenian then looked at Simon Yves,Simon Yves gritted his teeth,followed.

They designed "Wu Nanyan" to drink without thinking,and "Cen Qingqiu" are going to the hospital,How could it be possible to drink.

What were they thinking.

Now I can't regret it anymore, Wu Wei is still an old fox, and he already knows the identities of the two top converts, "Wu Nanyan" and "Cen Qingqiu" must not have an accident.

Have a tasteless dinner,Patriarch Carpenter personally sent the Wuwei family away.

Outside the gate, Wu Wei said to Patriarch Carpenter: "Uncle, I don't worry about Nanyan and Qingqiu, I have to accompany you to the hospital in a while, Amelia and A Zhe I'll ask you to take it home."

The excitement in Wu Wei's eyes has not disappeared until now. Patriarch Carpenter was jealous and angry, but he couldn't let it out, and forced a smile: "My sister and nephew will naturally take good care of them. , I'll arrange a stable driver to send them back, don't worry, you just need to watch Nanyan and Qingqiu Pop, they are my nieces, please report to me if everything is fine."

The two may not stand at the top of Harbins. Since it is possible that "Wu Nanyan" and "Cen Qingqiu" cannot be eliminated, it is important to have a good relationship with them first. Rely on a few connections to maintain the glory of Patriarch Carpenter.

At that time, the identity of the illegitimate daughter of "Wu Nanyan" was not at all.

Glancing at Amelia Carpenter with warning, she was shocked, she tried to smile and said, "You look at two more children, don't worry about me and A Zhe."

Wu Wei ten benefited: "Amelia is getting more and more virtuous."

Amelia Carpenter almost vomited blood when she heard the word "virtuous", secretly hating Wu Wei's good luck, cheating and having an illegitimate daughter, she turned out to be a top-level person.

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