Chapter 118

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At seven o'clock,Wu Clan Manor continued to come in with invitations one after another. Wu Wei brought Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan to the door to welcome the guests. I have to introduce my son "Wu Nanyan".

As many as seventy people came to the banquet this time, and soon the empty hall was filled with men and men in dresses.

Blue dress,blue eyes,white skin, with a big smile on her face, shook hands with Wu Wei, "Uncle, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you,My parents greet you."

Wu Wei said with a smile: "Xi Lan,Tell your parents,I have been doing well recently. Come, let me introduce you to my son, Wu Nanyan, Nanyan just came here Binns,Go to Menjin University in a few days,You have to help me watch her at school."

Ai Xilan looked at Jiang Xuenian next to Wu Wei,only felt bright,"This sister looks very powerful, uncle rest assured, I will take good care of it her."

Jiang Xuenian didn't know Ai Xilan, so she stood beside her and didn't speak, Wu Wei patted her shoulder and said, "Nan Yan, this is your sister Xilan, in Menjin If you teach at university, you can find her if you encounter anything in school that you can't solve, you know?"

Jiang Xuenian's eyes fell on Ai Xilan, "Sister Xilan."

Ai Xilan smiled and replied: "Hey."

Aixilan has a good personality, like a trustworthy big sister, and quickly eliminated the sense of distance from "Wu Nanyan" Mo.

"Wu Nanyan" showed a non-aggressive smile for the first time, and introduced "Cen Qingqiu" to Ai Xilan, "Sister Xilan, this is my friend, Cen Qingqiu, we are about to get engaged ."

Ai Xilan looked at the face of "Cen Qingqiu" and exclaimed: "Nan Yan, your vision is very good, congratulations."

"Wu Nanyan" proudly said: "Thank you, I think I have a good eye."

To ridicule the two, "Cen Qingqiu" was expressionless.

Eichland saw something wrong, but didn't ask anything.

Jiang Xuenian watched her walk into the hall, and saw Kang Jing walked up to her excitedly and talked to her excitedly.

When she heard Ashland's name just now, she felt familiar. Gu Yawei used this name to persuade Kang Jing before.

Ai Xilan and Kang Jing are both alphas. Kang Jing's eyes on Ai Xilan are not ambiguous, and he is more worshipping Ai Xilan.

"Wu Nanyan" raised her eyebrows, since Kang Jing cares so much about Ai Xilan, it really doesn't fit her character if she doesn't do something to retaliate against Kang Jing.

After Ashland is Carpenter's young master, Noah Carpenter, fifteen years old, with curly hair and small eyes. Xue Nian shoulders, followed by a middle-aged man, listening to the introduction, yes.

From the Pearson family is the second young lady, Agatha Pearson, a brown-skinned sixteen-year-old.

After entering the lobby, there are basically no guests behind.

Wu Wei's face was not very good-looking, "The Carpenters and Pearsons are so outrageous that they sent two undifferentiated milk dolls here, do you look down on Nanyan? look down on me."

Wu Man hurriedly said: "Patriarch, don't be angry. The Carpenters are the husband's mother after all. The Pearsons are now in power and have grown up with their husbands since childhood. The existence of Miss Nanyan After all, it's normal for her to slap her husband in the face."

Wu Wei knew what Wu Man said, but he was suppressed by Amelia Carpenter since the marriage, and now he has finally mastered the right to surpass Amelia Carpenter, Naturally to be ashamed.

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