Party. (Felix pov)

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I sat in the back of Hyunjins car. I wanted to sit up front with him but he said he was saving it for somebody. We were driving to the person he was saving it for, probably. We pulled up. It was Y/n's house. Hyunjin honked and I saw her look out of her window.

She walked out of her front door, her h/c hair bouncing as she walked down the steps. She got in the car. It looked like she didn't notice me, I tried not to stare in fear she would.

We got to the convenience store. Everyone got out. Looks like she notices me now. I poked my cheek with my tongue and walked in.

I looked at her as I passed by the aisle she was in. She noticed. I walked away quickly, embarrassed. I didn't know how to explain myself to her, technically it wasn't my fault I left.. but it was my fault that I didn't tell her.

I went to the drink section and looked for a soda or something. My eyes drifted to the window. I saw her and Hyunjin talking. I sighed and grabbed a drink. Paying for my stuff and walking out.

Timeskip to where we are at with Y/n right now.

I stood in a corner, talking to a friend. I didn't drink, it just wasn't my thing. I noticed Y/n drinking. I knew she couldn't drink to save her life. But I didn't want to say anything, I knew she probably didn't want to talk to me right now.

After a bit she began to look sick. I knew that look, where the color in her cheeks drained and she couldn't stand. She was still sitting with a drink in her hand though.

I began to wonder if I should do something, I didn't want her to vomit on herself, but I didn't want to make her mad. I sighed. Payton began to look worse. I walked over to her, grabbing her hand to lead her to a bathroom. She stumbled as she had a hard time balancing. I held her a bit closer to me, letting her lean on me.

I brought her to a bathroom, she seemed to know she was sick now. I held her hair for her as she sat by the toilet bowl. She vomited in there. I rubbed her back with the hand I wasn't holding her hair with.

When she was done I helped her up and grabbed a towel to wipe her face. After I was done she hugged me. I wasn't expecting this, I thought she was still mad.

"I- I missed you." she said quietly.

"I'm sorry." I said as I pet her hair. I wanted to tell her why, but I knew she probably wouldn't remember it anyways. "You should probably get home Y/n." She nodded and stopped hugging me.

I went to ask Hyunjin for his keys to take her home. It didn't look like he would be leaving anytime soon. He tossed the keys to me and I left the party with Y/n. I began to drive her home. The car ride was silent. We arrived at her house after the awkward drive and I helped her inside up to her room. Laying her on her bed, I left and closed the door behind me.

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