
15 3 0

Dear shiny boy,
              I know your name is jay, but shiny boy suits you.
Since last time we met, i was in utter shock, then I realised that I havent taken my pills since so many days, maybe that's what is causing me to hallucinate.

But a whole park is too much to hallucinate isn't it?
Dad used to take me to that park when I was 5.
I have seen it in the photos.
I guess you guys were pranking me.
I know look innocent, but I ain't dumb.

Anyways,after talking to you, now it seems impossible to get you out of my mind.
What are you doing to me jay?
Why do you sound so kind, friendly..like someone i have known through years and years.

Ps. I love your jawline and biseps >.<

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