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Sophie's POV

It'd been 4 days since I confronted Kelly at the palace after having her secretly taken from Monaco. Do I have regrets? No, absolutely not. Am I scared she might say something to the press? Yes. I haven't told my family, Max's family or even Max himself that I did that. Only ones who know are the ones who helped, my bodyguards. I tried to hint to my PR team that something could potentially come out from her and to just keep an eye and shut down anything before it gets to the public.

The morning after Max and I went to his families in the Netherlands and spent some more time with them and meet his younger half siblings who aren't normally at races. Seeing Max interact with his nephews and younger siblings made me realize how much of an amazing dad he would be. Having a family is important to not only the monarchy but myself. I've always wanted to be a mom and sure hope it's with Max. I don't know or see anyone else that would be a perfect father.

The last day there my family came for a few hours for dinner and it was amazing. Jos specifically has put on his best behavior but probably because he knows the power my family and I hold. I haven't seen him act out to bad, just been pretty distant.

Today I planned a girls night with some of the other drivers girlfriends. I don't see a lot of them often or only get to say a few words to them at races so I invited them over to the palace to hang out, have a few drinks and just have a girly night in. Any time I've been around them or gone out with them, they're a ton of fun and I've never had a ton of friends so I want to make an effort to get to know them and be close. Max stayed back in the Netherlands just for this and to be with his family more.

"What time are they coming sweetheart?" Mom asked as I was texting Max our plans for the night. Him and the other drivers were excited I set this up.

"In about an hour they should be getting here. They just landed." I replied, locking my phone and leaning against her office door.

"Perfect, I know you guys will have so much fun and you specifically. I always wished and hoped you'd get these experiences." she replied, looking up from her computer and handing her assistants some papers. I nodded with a smirk.

"Yeah, I mean I always did too. I always made friends and then they'd dip when they realized I couldn't always hang out or they'd try to munch off our fame. I love these girls though! They're so sweet and kind and all of our significant others do the same thing so it's something in common for once!" I replied to her, checking my phone once again to see Max had replied with pictures of him and his nephews.

"Ugh! How cute!" I said out loud. My mom furrowed her eyebrows out of confusion so I showed her.

"Seriously Soph, I hope you marry him." She said. I laughed out loud and nodded, "oh mom, I do too." I mumbled. "By chance has he ever talked to dad about that? I know it's only been about 6 months but just curious." Mom shook her head.

"I'm not to suppose to tell you about things like that if he did, you know that." She said with a laugh. "I know, I know. I just..." I said before she interrupted. "Just really, really love him? I know sweetie. Don't worry." She got out of her chair and gave me a hug and kiss on the head before leaving her office. I left as well and went outside. I stood in the driveway and stared off into the hills. The wind blowing in my hair, the tree leaves rustling, I loved Beloeil and the nature surrounding. I walked over to the huge pond we have and just kept looking out and breathing in the fresh air until I heard,

"Girls night!" Followed by excessive honking. I whipped my head around and saw Alex, Kika, Heidi and Lily hop out of their rented SUV followed by one of our security cars that patrols the area.

"You're here!" I yelled out before quickly walking over and giving them hugs and kisses on the cheek. "This place is beautiful! You grew up here?" Kika asked, I nodded with a huge smile. "Yeah! It's amazing I love it here. Nice and quiet, beautiful, plus there's so much to do you wouldn't even believe."

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