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Sophie's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. The mix of blue and green lit up the skies and were intertwined and dancing together.

"Schat." Max said, getting my attention. I turned around, widened my eyes and dropped my jaw but at the same time being my hands to my mouth. "Oh my-" was all I could get out before he interrupted me. Is he really doing what I think he's doing?

"Ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. I know how much we needed each other and how we were meant to be. I didn't care what I had to do to get you and to love you. You've been there for me even during your busiest times and I couldn't thank you enough. Will you, Sophie Louise of Belgium, marry me?" He said.

I started to cry the happiest tears, nodded my head and crouch to his level. "Yes. Yes Max! A thousand times yes! Yes!" I couldn't stop yelling yes and fell into his arms, still crying tears of joy.

He placed my dream ring on my finger. An 8 karat Victorian cut diamond ring with small diamonds wrapping around the band.

"We're gonna rule the world baby." I told him, placing both of my hands in each side of his face and staring deeply into his eyes.

*leaving Iceland*

"I still can't believe it Max. Like, I'm still speechless. I think it's just the inner little girl in me finally getting to plan a wedding but also it's you!" I told him as we were packing our things up to leave Iceland. We got engaged night one, then yesterday we spent the day exploring waterfalls and he surprised me with a mini personal engagement photo shoot. Once we get back we will get the royal ones done at the castle.

"I know schat. I'm still in disbelief and I'm the one who did it!" He laughed as he came over, wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a tight hug.

"You're gonna be a prince." I whispered while looking up at him as he towered over me.

"But I got my princess." He whispered back. I softly smiled while blushing and got back to packing. I only had a few things left.

"Let's FaceTime my family and tell them. And yours!" I suggested. He nodded, placed a button down shirt back in his suitcase as I pulled out my phone and started the call.

"Hi dad! Where's momma and Lucas?" I asked with a huge grin. "Oh I know what that face is for, they're coming in right now!" He said.

"What's going on? Oh my god!" Lucas yelled in shock as I held my hand up to the camera to show the massive ring.

"Oh sweetie! I'm so happy for you! I'm so excited as well, we will get right to planning. What a beautiful ring!" My mom said, I wouldn't doubt she's known this was about to happen and is just acting like she didn't.

"Congratulations darling! I'm so happy for you." My dad said, then beginning to cough. "Are you okay?" I asked, he nodded to reassure me as he sipped some water.

"I'll get that statement sent off, would you like to wait to release it?" He asked. I looked at Max since we talked about it yesterday.

"Yeah we were thinking to wait about a week? We want to just enjoy this time with our friends and family first, get the pictures taken and then release it together." Max suggested.

"That's perfect. I'll let them know. Have a safe flight home, I just heard the pilot has landed there."

"Thank you dad, love you all, see you soon." I said before ending the call.

We ended the call and max pulled his phone out to call his family. "Shut up! Shut up!" Victoria screamed as soon as she picked up, she was holding Lio and startled him a bit. "Momma! Oh my god! Hold on, congratulations, Mom!" She screamed once more, running to find his mom and still holding Lio.

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