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Xilä was roughly roused from sleep. Calloused hands forcefully tugged her into a seated position, shaking her frantically.

"Wake up girl. They're coming! Get dressed!" It was her father.

Licking her chapped lips and blinking to force herself awake, she watched as her father moved around their tiny home, arming himself with what seemed like every weapon he owned. He was dressed for the outside already- a threadbare hooded cloak was draped over his large body and cracked, hexapede leather boots covered his massive feet.

"Xilä! Don't make me smack you. Get. Up!"

Moving quickly, she tied her makeshift, calf length boots to her feet- they would be in need of another repair soon.

"Father, what is happening?" She asked shakily as she slipped on her own cloak over her frame, ensuring her hood was secure and her nose and mouth were covered.

"Don't ask questions. Pack whatever food we have left. We need to leave."

Her hands shook as she used a scrap of cloth to wrap up a measly hunk of seed loaf, some shrivelled root vegetables and a small clay pot of two day old mashed beans. She had just tied off the knot when she heard distant hoots and howls coming from outside- The Rogue Warriors.

T'shteyo grabbed his daughter's wrist painfully and dragged her out of their home. Home was putting it lightly. Their abode- like all the others in their little village, was nothing but a poorly assembled lean-to, made out of rocks and sun-baked clay. Weaved, strips of sticks and tree bark acted as their privacy screen and her sad excuse of a bed was the thin skin of deadland beast.

"Keep your mouth shut," her father hissed harshly as he dragged her behind him.

They kept to the shadows, dodging around surrounding structures and completely dead shrubs, leaping over the deep cracks and faults that littered the ground. The sky was still dark but the tinge of purple told her that morning was near.

Panting excessively, Xilä kept glancing behind her, looking to see if anyone followed them. She felt light headed- having not been used to such vigorous activity. She also hadn't had a decent meal in who knows how long.

When she realized where her father was leading them she dug her heels into the ground and ripped her wrist from his hold. Stumbling to catch her footing she shook her head vigorously.

"That's the Dead Forest father. You said it was forbidden. Why- Ah!"

T'shteyo clamped her bicep in a bruising grip and pulled her close. "You questioning me now? You think you know best, girl?"

Her ears fell back and her eyes fell to her feet. "No father."

"Those bastards back there? Su'ko and his men? They want us dead. And unless you want me to leave your pesky ass here you shut up and do as I say, when I say. You don't question me. Understood?"

She nodded numbly and once he was satisfied with her response he turned and headed straight into the forest without another word.


The Dead Forest was exactly like its namesake. Dead. There were no signs of life here- not a single green leaf or blade of grass was seen and parts of the forest appeared to be burnt, remnants of smoke lingering in the still air.

When they had made it a substantial distance away from the village, her father stopped at the base of what she assumed was once a grand tree.

"Okay. You stay here and keep out of sight until I get back."

Xilä perked up in alarm. He was leaving her? Here?! She was about to question him but his glare reminded her of the conversation he'd had with her that morning.

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