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Their night's activities had left Xilä completely satisfied. She was sated but drained, resulting in the best sleep of her life. If she had her way they'd never leave her bed again.

After she asked him to stay last night, she couldn't help but swoon at his sweet actions.

Neteyam had cleaned her up as best as possible with the edge of a blanket, playfully ducking his head to have a lick and little taste as he removed the sticky mess they had created between and on the insides of her thighs.

He then removed both of their jewellery and tucked her breasts back into her top. He stayed bare, citing his loincloth needed to dry overnight because of the mess she had made of it, before rolling her into his arms for a cuddle.

It was comical to a degree- having him in her bed. He was a large male so most of his lower body was left hanging off the edge of her little nest. He didn't seem to mind though- if anything he seemed quite happy and content where he was.

After a while, he eventually flipped them so that she laid, sprawled across his chest as they settled in to sleep.

Xilä was in pure bliss and she felt unbelievably safe as he held her. Neteyam was so loving and sweet with her- grazing his knuckles along her back as he held her close, kissing the top of her head every now and again as they drowsily whispered to each other in the dark.

It was not until she was on the cusp of sleep did she remember she forgot to ask about the Leati girl.


The next morning, Xilä was awakened by a dressed Neteyam. Squinting through blurred eyes, she stretched with a small content smile, snuggling closer to him for his attention. She had been shifted to now lay on her back as he leaned on an arm to peer down at her.

"I'm sorry to wake you," he whispered softly against her cheek, giving it a peck. "I just wanted to tell you I'm going. I need to get back before anyone sees me." He rubbed her hip and nuzzled her neck affectionately. "It's still dark out, so try and get some more sleep, alright?"

She nodded drowsily. "Alll-righ," she yawned, in agreement although still kept him locked in her embrace as if she didn't want him to go.

He chuckled under his breath at her sleepy state and gave her one last sweet kiss before successfully untangling himself from her. She was already deep asleep again by the time he covered her with one of her billion other blankets- she still got cold sometimes.

Sneaking out of her little room, Neteyam stopped short when he spotted a bulking figure leaning against the tent's beam with his arms folded.


Pursing his lips he turned and made sure Xi's curtain was secure before facing the clearly pissed off looking man.

"Morning," the elder drawled, in his gruff scraggly voice, squinting at him through accusatory eyes.

"Jxo," Neteyam nodded politely, in greeting. Looking as uncomfortable and nervous as he felt, he scratched the back of his head trying to think of how he could possibly explain what he was doing in Xilä's room at the current ungodly hour.

"What do you think you're doing?" the man asked, cutting right to the chase.


"And I don't mean just last night. What are you doing with Xilä?"

Neteyam swallowed, he felt a sense of guilt mingled with annoyance towards the man in front of him.

"She's not your daughter you know."

"The fuck she isn't!" Jxo hissed. "She is just as much my kid as D'avi is. So I'll repeat myself. What are you doing with Xilä?"

Neteyam had seen the elderly man in action before. He knew Jxo was not someone to underestimate, no matter how quiet and reserved he seemed to be. It was one of the many reasons he chose to ask him and his wife to take Xilä in.

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